think it is necessary that I elaborate more on the "workings"
of the GRHub Network. I know that Echolink/AllStar/IRLP connections
on repeaters can be a rather touchy and sensitive subject. Rightly so
if repeaters etc are being misused or wrongly "interfaced",
I agree it is irritable to say the least. For some in amateur radio
VOIP can be annoying for many reasons.
However as the
amateur radio code stipulate: CONSIDERATE...He/[She] never knowingly
operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.
PROGRESSIVE...He/[She] keeps his/[her] station up to date. It is
well-built and efficient. His/[Her] operating practice is above
reproach. FRIENDLY...He/[She] operates slowly and patiently when
requested; offers friendly advice and counsel to beginners; kind
assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of
The above are some of the building blocks of the
amateur radio spirit.
I as administrator of the GRHub
Network employ the following measures as not to annoy fellow radio
amateurs (I hope..):
I do link several South African
repeaters/links to the HUB network from time to time. Please take
note that all these links are in receive mode only. If for
what ever reason I feel that the transmit mode needs to be activated
then I will disconnect all other repeaters from the network not to
cause unwanted transmissions or interference to other users and will
then connect in transmit mode to a specific repeater or link. Yes,
and I will announce my intentions.
The same apply for any
overseas networks, repeaters, HUBS etc. The above setup has proved to
work very well and thus far I have not had any complaints.
of the GRHub Network can still connect to the network and therefor to
any station in the world to receive and transmit using the DTMF
functions. Any user can use the GRHub to have a QSO. Just announce
your intentions beforehand eg. What you switching in an out. I do
monitor the network and can assist in connecting or disconnecting
stations on request. Like I said before feel free to use the network.
It is there to be used!!
If you run a VOIP Network/System
professionally it can be a very useful addition to amateur radio
especially to those who cannot or those not allowed to install
antennas, stations etc. This way they can keep in touch with other
amateur radio friends.
If other countries can run large
systems, I am sure that we in South Africa can also do it maybe even
Finally: I would like to thank all those radio
amateurs and clubs that allow me to connect to their repeaters, links
etc. That is even without asking permission to do so. If for any
reason you do not like the GRHub Network to connect to your repeater,
links etc. please drop me an email in this regard. ( Johan ZS1I:
sawois05 AT gmail DOT com)
I am sure there is a rightful
place for VOIP in amateur radio. At least it keeps the RF bands