Monday, September 20, 2021

Time out Timer on the ZS1I RF Radio Link (145.550 Mhz), Mossel Bay

 I have noticed that the RF Radio Link (145.550 Mhz) time out when:

1.  News Bulletins and conversations are longer than 15 minutes.  I will however reset the RF Link during bulletins and you might lose the odd word or two.

2.  To short a time spacing ("break") is left between overs.  You are to quick on the trigger as we call it in amateur radio lingo.   This happens regularly on many links and repeaters all over the world. 

Please - Keep transmissions as short as possible, so more people can use the network. Again, long transmissions could prevent someone with an emergency from getting the chance to call for help through the network. All links and repeaters encourage short transmissions by "timing out" (shutting down for a few minutes) when someone gets long-winded. The time-out timer also prevents the links and repeater from transmitting continuously, due to distant signals or interference. A continuously transmitting link or repeater could cause unnecessary interference. Continuous operation can also damage radios and equipment.

There will be hick-ups in the beginning to "iron out".  Please expect glitches from time to time on the GRHub Network until the network is stable.  This is a learning curve for me and we all know that Linux can be unforgiving at times.  The network is improved on a daily basis and is currently stable.  However by adding new functions and making changes the network can become unstable and can even crash.  Thanks for Reboot, Reset and Restart the network can quickly be restored.

I hear many shout .... that is the Internet, unreliable ..... I suggest you rather use real RF radios.  Well we do use real radios and the internet is not needed to run a node or server.  I am busy looking into creating a back-up system should the Internet fail.  More on this in future posts. 

Can one see Auroras (Southern Lights) in South Africa?

Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) over Simons Town. Picture: Hassaan Tanvir During a recent discussion on the "Sonsak Span Amateur Rad...