Thursday, October 21, 2021

Automated Amateur Radio Newsline Audio Bulletin a great success!!

  The Amateur Radio Newsline Audio Bulletin was broadcast last night at 20h00.  This broadcast was fully automated without me touching any keyboard or radio.  I however did monitor the broadcast until the end.  You might say what is the big deal here?  This is no achievement I hear you say.  Be as it may the following took place before and during the broadcast:

  • The Amateur Radio Newsline Bulletin is automatically downloaded by a script using Linux.
  • The script divide the bulletin into 2.5 min audio segments with 20 second breaks. (The breaks allow repeaters/links to reset.  These time segments can be altered for your needs.)
  • Includes voice messages before play, at breaks, and after play.
  • The script is automatically run from a cron job or from the command line at least 15 minutes before the defined run time (TIME value) but it can be scheduled anytime within 24 hours prior to the run time.
  • The cron script will play the ARNewsline audio file every Wednesday at 8:00PM - actual playtime set by defined comand line TIME parameter. If Playtime is 8PM (20h00) the script would send pre voice warnings at 7:50 and 7:55 PM that ARNews will follow in 10- and 5 minutes time.
  • The ARNewsline audio file will automatically play on the GRHub Network on node 49355, Echolink ZS1I-L and RF Link 145.550 Mhz at 8:00PM (20h00) 

The advantages of the automated broadcast:

  • There is no prior setup/editing/fiddling to be done before or during the broadcast 
  • You can schedule the broadcast to play anytime during the week or even play twice a week.
  • You need not be in front of your computer to watch over the broadcast.
  • You can use a  Cellphone, HT or Mobile Radio to monitor the broadcast.
  • You can do other tasks in the Shack while the broadcast is active.
  • The automated broadcast save you time.
  • The audio quality via AllStar is absolutely great, not as "tinny" as Echolink.  So you have 5 STAR audio to listen to.
  • You can customize the firmware to play your club bulletin automatically over a repeater, simplex link, Echolink or even HF.
  • I can automatically play different audio files at different times and days without having to spend time to prepare the audio files.
  • I also have the option to play audio files Globally (World Wide) or just locally on a specific node.  Globally the audio will be heard by all the nodes connected the the GRHub Network.  Locally listeners can listen on a specific node that is isolated from the global network.
  • I have the option to run the audio file via a cron job or by using DTMF to play the file NOW.

As can be seen there are many advantages to play bulletins, audio files, announcements automatically.  You just need to ensure that you setup your system in such a way that will work for you or your club bulletins.

Finally:  I am still working on the script to allow me to play all local bulletins/audio files automatically via a cron job.  Example:  SARL Bulletins,  Club Bulletins, Amateur Radio Today etc.   I am also working on a script to auto connect any GRHub node to any Echolink/Allstar and 145.550 Mhz RF Link as listed in the GRHub Bulletin/News weekly schedule.  Hopefully I can automate 98% of GRHub Network tasks with cron jobs.  More info in this regard will be released as progress is made.

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...