Wednesday, October 20, 2021

First Test Broadcast of Soldersmoke on the GRHub Network

 This coming Thursday (21 October 2021) at 20h00 I will bring you the latest episode of Soldersmoke on the GRHub Network.  Now what is this Soldersmoke?  Bill N2CQR and Pete N6QW talk about building ham radio gear. Yes it is homebrew at its best and unfortunately they both have the KNACK sickness.  If you do not know what the KNACK disease is search the Soldersmoke Blogspot to find out more.  I started listening to Soldersmoke since its inception many years ago.  I am not sure but I think it all started in 2005 and they are still at it.

Please note:  

  • This Thursday evening will be a test transmission as the Podcast is 01h14min long.  I am not sure how the GRHub Network and software will perform during such a long transmission. 
  • The RF Link on 145.550 Mhz Simplex will be disconnected for the duration of the transmission.
  • The episode will be transmitted on AllStar Nodes 49255 and 46765 as well as ZS1I-L on Echolink.  

I can guarantee you if you into homebrewing you will definitely enjoy and learn more from these two gentleman.  My sound advice is to not only listen to the first few minutes, you going to miss some very interesting topics and the mailbag.

Come and join the GRHub Network for an evening of fun, laughter and entertainment tomorrow evening at 20h00.  Fingers crossed that we can listen for the duration of the Podcast.

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...