I would once again like to remind my fellow radio amateurs of the fact that the GRHub Network is linked to several large networks world wide. I still find that many stations are to "quick on the trigger". For those who do not know what quick on the trigger means its quite simple. Some repeater users do not leave at least a 6 second gap between overs to allow the repeaters and links to "drop out" that are connected to networks. We must allow the networks to reset other wise the time out timers will cut the audio and you will not hear any audio on repeaters or RF simplex links. This could lead to all sorts of problems if radio amateurs start talking over each other. Not to talk about leaving others in the cold or not allowing others to join the conversation, just to mention a few issues.
It is thus good practice and amateur radio etiquette to leave a 6 second gap between overs.
Request: Please leave a large enough time gap between overs on any repeater, simplex frequency and for that matter any system, radio or network. You will not lose anything in doing just that.