This project started long before Eskom implemented load-shedding in South Africa. I used this solar controller during amateur radio contests to successfully charge deep cycle lead acid batteries. This unit has served we well through the years. I never experienced any problems with it and agree with Joel WB5PPV that this unit is the best battery banger for your money. It is efficient, reliable and has all the useful tweaks. Whether you are building a mansion, sticking a repeater on top of a hill or just need something to keep your HF radio's happy during load-shedding, this project will do the job.
It has come to my intention that good solar controllers are on back order until the first quarter of 2022 due to the current high demand as a result of load-shedding. Further price increases will be implemented. So if you waited till now to do something when the lights go out, maybe you should look at this project.
Herewith the complete article by Joel Donaldson WB5PPV in PDF format. Click HERE. I advise those interested to read the full article. This project is not a "Chinese" alternative but will serve you very well in any situation be it a large or small scale solar system. I for one would insist you install extra fuses and circuit breakers. You can never have to many safety measures in place.
Finally: I used a few 12v 50 watt globes as the alternative load (R2 - Grey Terminals) to dump the excess power once the battery is fully charged. This unit is still used from time to time in the shack and in the field with 3 x 100 watt solar panels and a 100 aH battery. It works great.