Sunday, November 14, 2021

Massive Telkom Internet Outage effects certain GRHub Network activities for up to 48 hours

 A large scale Telkom Internet Outage effected certain GRHub Network activities for up to 48 hours.  Need I say anything more?  I hear many a radio amateur shout, "It is the Internet what do you expect?  RF Radio is King with no outages.  I am not going to debate the issue, as everyone has his own opinion in this regard. Well this outage was a blessing in disguise for the GRHub Network's administrator.  I learned a lot from this outage.

 No the GRHub Network was not completely dead.  It was still connected to the ZL HUB - New Zealand and M0HOY UK Allstar Hub via AllStar and not Echolink.  From time to time when the Internet was not intermittent both these HUBS  were active for short periods.  The RF 145.550 Mhz Simplex Link was also active.  It is important to have a back-up network available should there be an Internet outage.  

Unfortunately Echolink will not function but all the AllStar nodes and the 145.550 Mhz Simplex RF Link will still be operational even during Internet Outages.  Now I hear you say but why do you not use MTN or Vodacom as Internet Back-Up.  As far as can be established both these providers do not provide "Unrestricted" port access anymore.  The only one's left is Telkom and Rain but unfortunately Rain does not have any coverage in the Mossel Bay area.  I hear you say why don't you use Fiber Internet.  I do have Fiber Internet but experienced so many problems in the past with intermittent connections and an extra monthly amount payable to open the ports, I decided that it is not worth it to go that route.  Why should I pay to open ports if I already pay a monthly Internet fee.  Ya it's business!! Well if the service is excellent then I do not mind to pay extra but as said before fiber in my area absolutely sucks!  It surely is a "froggy" service on a bad "foot".

I do plan to install a local backup network in the event that the Internet crashes.Yes and it is not a commercial network but an AREDN network which was developed by radio amateurs for radio amateurs.  You can incorporate AllStar to AREDN as well as commercial Internet.  Now in the event of a Internet failure you still have a system that will operate much like the Internet.  If I would like to extend the coverage of AREDN to other parts of the country then I can use Winlink when there is no Internet.  More on this in a future posting.

For now I will get AREDN up and running.  I already have a fully setup system that I ran a few years ago that proved to be very efficient during the 2016 Knysna Fires.  I do not want to jump around, but work on one system, get it up and working properly before moving onto other GRHUB Network "extensions".  I am currently very happy with the GRHub Network setup but will soon make a few changes to enhance the network even further.  One must remember that it take time to implement new futures especially if you run a Linux system.  

Finally:  What did I learn from this outage?

  1.  Be more prepared for Power and Internet Outages.
  2. You must have a few back-up systems in place that can give you the same functions as before.  No, amateur radio will not give you all the functions you have as before, but you will hopefully be able to contact the outside world in the event of a major disaster like an earthquake or natural disaster. 
  3. The GRHub Network is not an emergency communications network but can eventually be used in the event of an emergency or disaster.  However this is not the prime function of the GRHub Network.
  4. The GRHub Network is not 100% perfect or fail-safe but it works as intended.
  5. That no matter how much you complain, nothing will be solved by complaining and that you and you alone will be responsible to limit outage functionality and  "damages".  Never rely on any Network- or Service Provider to solve your problems.
  6. Do not rely on any time schedules provided for anything.  Time is irrelevant in the new South Africa and schedules can change without prior notification.  I learned to work with the worst scenario and no I am not a negative individual but rather a realistic person. 
  7. Backup...Backup....Backup!!  Always have a backup AllStar image available in the event that the current one goes corrupt.

What does the future hold for the GRHub Network?  I see an interesting, technological, experimental future for the GRHub Network.  I have many ideas and plans spinning around my flat head all the time.  The only factor that might be constraining the future is the lack of resources and money.  Yes every single piece of equipment comes out of my pocket as and when I find a few pennies.  Let see what happens in the next 6 months!  I cannot wait and is looking forward to the future of the GRHub in  and even outside South Africa.

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