Tuesday, November 16, 2021

You operate and unlawful Radio Beacon on 80 Meters!! Please switch it off immediately. (Part 2)

This article describes a simple programmable Morse Code Continuous Wave (CW) beacon keyer for HF, VHF, ARDF and TRACKING beacons that can be built for less than R100.00. Simplicity is the name of the game here. I  originally designed this beacon  keyer to use with my 80 Meter Beacon project but since then the keyer has found its way into many other useful projects.  

Circuit description

When I designed this beacon keyer I wanted a keyer that was easy to operate with the minimal component count.  I was interested to come up with a design using no more than 8 components. The end result a keyer with only 5 components and if you really want you can get away with only 3 components.  I was also looking for a keyer that could run of a 3 volt battery.  A lithium 3V battery (CR2430) is ideal for the purpose and can supply the PIC with power for several weeks if not months. (Red and Black wires) Note how small the keyer really is.   If you are really pressed for space you can trim the PCB even further to suite your needs.


The PIC12F675 micro controller was chosen for this project since it is a very versatile controller with the necessary amount of on-chip memory resources. This PIC is really a PICADILLY - "A dilly of a wee PIC".   I have been using this PIC for the past three years and have learned a lot about this PIC and its functions.

As mentioned before it is very versatile.  Some of the futures include:

  • 1024 x 14 bit words of programming memory

  • 64 x 8 bytes of data memory

  • 128 x 8 bytes of EEPROM data memory

  • A built-in RC oscillator operating at 4 Mhz (No resonator or crystal required)

  • 5 ports that can be either inputs or outputs

  • 1 port that can be an input or the MCLR (master clear pin)

  • 4 ports can be used as Analog to Digital Converters (ADC's)

  • ADC reference voltage can be set or the supply voltage used

  • Operates from 2.0 to 5.5 VDC with a low current - very low SLEEP current

  • Each port can sink/source 25mA up to a total of 125 mA

  • Individual programmable weak pull-up resistors for each port

 When programmed with the Beacon Keyer firmware, the PIC12F675 performs all of the "smarts" from the internal EEPROM, then convert the stored message to Morse Code and key it out. However I choose the "KISS" concept in this version.  I only use one output (Pin 7 ) of the PIC12F675 to drive the
buffer transistor (2N2222)  via R1(10K) and to indicate visual operation through D1(Red LED). R2 (1K) act as a load resistor for D1.  Remember that you must not overdrive the port.  The PIC is not capable of directly keying a transmitter and therefor requires a transistor buffer between the keyer chip and the transmitter. The 2N2222 transistor is used for positive keying to the transmitter.. (Green and Black wires) 

Chip Programming

Programming the firmware into micro controller flash memory is a one time procedure. The PIC12F675 micro controller must be programmed by a suitable PIC-Programmer.  

Beacon Keyer Features

  • Compact and KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)design

  • Minimal component count

  • Dot Timing and Dot/Dash Spacing options

  • Dash Generator and Letter Spacing options

  • 25 CW character beacon message (Including callsign)

  • Keyer speed range:  8 - 14 WPM

  • Tone 700 Hertz

  • Keying mode:  CW

  • Power requirement:  3V - 5V Max!!  (See SIMPLE 5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR PROJECT)

  • Message example:  DE ZS1I BEACON KF15BT

If you connect power to the keyer (Red +5V, Black -0V) and the TO TX (green) and -0V (black) wires to the keying lines of your transmitter the beacon will begin keying out the message in a continuous loop.

Finally:  This was a great experimental project.  I learned so much about PICS and writing of the beacon firmware.  Today the PIC used in this project is obsolete but with the Arduino Nano you can open up a complete new world in Beacon- and other Keyers.  Somewhere in my project box lies a Arduino Nano that I used to build an automatic morse code keyer.  Maybe one day I will run into it and fire it up to see if it still works.



Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...