Sunday, December 26, 2021

DIY 12v - 48v DC Busbar Project for Solar Power Generator.

(Click on images for larger view.)

I am currently busy to build a Solar Power Generator to use in the Shack when Eskom starts with its loading escapades in 2022.  I will provide more information in a future post on the Solar Power Generator after completing the project. 

Now I needed a positive and negative 24v DC Busbar for all the relevant connections to be made instead of connecting it directly to the 24v battery bank.  Locally prices were so inflated that the cost of both the busbars would have been more than a thousand rand each.  I looked all over the Internet for good busbars at reasonable prices but the prices were far above what I consider as reasonable.  The alternative would be to roll my own positive and negative busbars.

I needed some good isolating material, a piece of copper bar and brass/copper bolts, washers and nuts.  I had a piece of 5mm Phenolic laminate that is used as isolation in large AC transformers. This material can withstand fairly high heat, not that I needed it as there are more than enough protection circuitry for all the equipment used.    The positive copper bars was salvaged from an old commercial welder that I stripped a few years back.  The brass bolts, washers and nuts I scrounged from my junk box although I had to purchase some as I did not have enough.

Building these busbars are easy.  The images below provides all the details.  All that now remain is to install the busbars to the Solar Power Generator platform.  Hopefully this will be done in the coming week.

Finally:  With a price range of R300 to over R1000 per busbar it is worthwhile to consider rolling your own.  Just ensure that the material you use is suitable to carry the volts and amps that you will be using.  I am considering to make two Perspex covers for the busbars.  This will only be done once the project is finalized.

How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

Image:  ZS1I Yaesu FT817 Radio Image:  ZS1I Homebrew Yaesu FT817 Soundcard Interface During the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest that took place in Jan...