Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Down Memory Lane: 2007 - 2008 K.C.A.R - Kite Carrying Amateur Radio Research Project (Part 2)

Aquilone 1 Payload Construction - 2008

The K.C.A.R Kite Project is well under way.  I am currently busy with the payload construction and hope to make the first payload test by the end of this week.  Here is a few images of the different electronic projects that will be installed in the payload bay.

GPS Antenna installed on PCB

GPS UBlox unit which will be connected to the Modified TinyTrak1 board for APRS tracking

Modified TinyTrak1 PCB which forms part of the APRS Tracker Unit

Meteo Board with Barometer, Hygrometer, Temperature meter and transmitter to transmit weather info to computer.

Transmitter for APRS Tracker unit.  The transmitter will transmit the exact location of the kite.

RS232 converter for converting GPS data.

The payload tray showing two compartments.  There will be 6 compartments in the final tray assembly.

The payload tray (Side view.)

The payload housing with two end caps.

The payload bay with two end caps (Side view.)

The payload bay and tray.

The payload bay and tray. (Side view.)

(Click on images for larger view.)

Assembly of the Aqualone 1 payload

Great news. I finished the assembly of the kite payload.  The "smoke test" on the K.C.A.R  Auqualone 1 Kite Payload was performed yesterday afternoon.  The result:  No smoke!  The payload performs well and final testing will be done later today.

I still need to build antennas for both the APRS Tracker and the WX Transmitter.  Photos of the payload will soon be published.  I am looking forward to the first flight of the K.C.A.R  Auqualone 1 Kite Payload.  All the transmitted data of the K.C.A.R  Auqualone 1 Kite Payload will be available on the Internet in real time format.  More information on this in future updates.

The Aquilone 1 Payload

The K.C.A.R Scientific Kite Payload

The payload is now fully constructed and operational as can be seen from the images. The first flight of the Aquilone will soon be taking place and I will announce the date and time in due coarse. I still need to compile a few flight maps for the APRS unit to reflect the exact position of the kite. The weather data will be fed into a local weather station and then displayed on the Weather Underground web-site. Once all the software programs have been installed and updated we will be ready for the first test flight.

The payload cover with insignia and K.C.A.R payload

The GPS Antenna and GPS Unit

The RS232 Converter and TinyTrak 1 Controller

The Baro -  Thermo - Hygro unit

The Transmitter, Battery and Power Controller Units

The Power Controller Display

The APRS Antenna attached to the payload

The K.C.A.R Kite Payload exposed

 (Click on images for larger view.)

This is the final part of the Kite Carrying Amateur Radio Research Project.  Due to aviation legislation and safety rules I was never able to fly the kite from the Riversdale Airport.  However we had good fun with the project.  This was a great learning curve for me and those that participated.

Johan ZS1I - Mossel Bay 2008

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...