Free voice voip apps (apart from mac) for radio hams including aprs-position reporting
There are many free Voip apps for licensed radio hams using either a cell phone or computer.
These apps work on android and apple phones (apart from peanut android only ) and any version of
windows some applications also work on macs.
As they are for licensed radio amateurs only you must submit a copy of your ham licence to get registered.
Voip is ideal if you like to have long chats and like to get know your fellow hams around the world as the contacts are not affected by radio propagation and they are also useful if you are unable to put up big antennas to work dx
Voip is ideal if you like to have long chats and like to get know your fellow hams around the world as the contacts are not affected by radio propagation and they are also useful if you are unable to put up big antennas to work dx
Given that there is now little or no activity on many
vhf/uhf simplex and repeater frequencies Voip is a good place to find
Today many HF contacts are very short just a quick signal report exchange and on to the next one.
Some of the rooms on Voip link out on RF crossing over to different modes dmr dstar p25 nxdn m17
fusion etc from analogue so you also do have to be registered for dstar and dmr to be carried over those
If you have any problems or questions about setting up and getting voip apps
working please drop me an email.
peanut (excellent audio for people with hearing difficulties)
dudestar/droidstar access to most of the digital modes from a Windows PC or Android device
hamshack hotline needs a cisco SIP phone
allstar (to use the webtransceiver on a windows
peanut (excellent audio for people with hearing difficulties)
dudestar/droidstar access to most of the digital modes from a Windows PC or Android device
hamshack hotline needs a cisco SIP phone
allstar (to use the webtransceiver on a windows
computer use the pale moon browser any problems please contact me)
M0FXB video on setting up allstar
Mac users may want to also consider Transceive a native macOS application that let you administer linked nodes, monitor traffic and transmit audio on your AllStar node. It also supports the AllStar Public Authentication used by the web transceiver so you can connect directly to public nodes with
your AllStar account. Experience the AllStarLink network without the complexity of setting up a node. this app is not free
You may also come across IRLP on your local repeater here is the world wide list of connections:
aprsdroid for android
M0FXB video on setting up allstar
Mac users may want to also consider Transceive a native macOS application that let you administer linked nodes, monitor traffic and transmit audio on your AllStar node. It also supports the AllStar Public Authentication used by the web transceiver so you can connect directly to public nodes with
your AllStar account. Experience the AllStarLink network without the complexity of setting up a node. this app is not free
You may also come across IRLP on your local repeater here is the world wide list of connections:
aprsdroid for android
shows hams location if they are beaconing aprs and others using aprs eg ships on the world wide map!lat=53.4365&lng=-1.354 which anyone can look at aprs for apple can be downloaded from the apple playstore
your aprs position can also be sent over the radio on rf
If you use google earth you can download the kml/kmz files which will show echolink/irlp nodes aprs stations and repeaters around the world. irlp stations locations echolink stations locations uk repeater locations
your aprs position can also be sent over the radio on rf
If you use google earth you can download the kml/kmz files which will show echolink/irlp nodes aprs stations and repeaters around the world. irlp stations locations echolink stations locations uk repeater locations