Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Easy way for beginners to setup an APRS Station (Part 2)

I must say that the older generation in amateur radio has "turned up the heat" iro APRS in the Garden Route Area.  Until recently there were only 3 stations active on APRS in this area.  I am glad to report that several other stations joined the APRS network recently as can be seen from the images.  Amongst the new stations there were also newcomers to APRS. (See the images below.)  Great to see that there are now quite a bit of activity.  To those who would quickly like to join us on APRS, it is as easy as taking your cellphone and download APRSDROID from your android phone's Play Store.  Read more about APRSDROID  by clicking HERE

Click on images for larger view.

Recent APRS Stations active in the Garden Route Area:

  1. ZR1AOC
  2. ZS1I
  3. ZS1N
  4. ZS1JHH
  5. ZS1COR
  6. ZS1RB
  7. ZS1SSM
  8. ZS1TBP
  9. ZS1YT
  10. ZS1CF
  11. ZS1MOTH
I would like to thank every station that joined the APRS Network recently.  Others are most welcome to join the APRS Network.  Hope to see more call-signs in this area and in other parts of the country!!


How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

Image:  ZS1I Yaesu FT817 Radio Image:  ZS1I Homebrew Yaesu FT817 Soundcard Interface During the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest that took place in Jan...