Sunday, January 9, 2022

Unintentional or Deliberate Interference during Bulletins


Now I do not want to discuss this issue. All that I would like to do is to draw the intention of radio amateurs to "remedies" to curb unintentional transmissions on Echolink and AllStar should it be applicable.

1. To prevent unintentional TX do not use Vox on Echolink or AllStar, period!! I need not explain why as you can find many articles on the Internet as to why the use of Vox is not a good idea on VOIP.

2. Echolink has a feature in sysop mode called: Listen-Only Mode for RF Links: This feature prevents any transmissions received over the RF link from being sent over the Internet to the remote station. This is useful for monitoring a conference, while assuring that any local RF activity (IDs, squelch tails, etc.) does not interrupt it inadvertently. Select this item again to clear Listen-Only mode and return to normal operation. EchoLink will also return to normal operation automatically when the current connection is dropped.

Now I do not know if there is such a feature in the Users node type. As for VOIP modes accidental TX from a station, can be stopped by disconnecting the station. By repeated deliberate TX the station can be banned from connecting to the said station.

3. List Me as Busy: Changes your station's listed status from On to Busy. This is useful to discourage other stations from trying to connect to yours during periods when you would like to run EchoLink but do not wish to accept incoming connections. Although not quite relevant List Me as Busy can discourage other stations to connect and make you the culprit should there be a accidental TX.

4. AllStar has several features to curb deliberate or accidental TX when a bulletin is in progress. I am not going into detail as there are not many AllStar Nodes that Gateway to Echolink in South Africa. I have mentioned before that I take the utmost care not to allow unwanted TX'ing during bulletin broadcasts. I use the following features:

4.1 Activated Connection Log to log connecting stations info, time etc.

4.2 Supermon 6.2 Firmware to monitor all activity.

4.3 Automated pre-setup of Favorite Stations to connect to. I have the option to connect in TX, RX or Monitor mode. All bulletin relays from ZS1I-L are done using the RX or Monitor mode setup. This will prevent any unwanted TX'ing during a bulletin. I can also manually set this option in AllStar.

4.4 Auto cut-off of the ZS1I 145.550 Mhz RF Link via Cellphone should there be accidental or deliberate interference on this frequency. I can also use the cellphone for 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5.

4.5 I have the automated option to disconnect all AC and DC power to the GRHub Network and my Shack in the event of a problem.

Finally: It is the responsibility of every radio amateur to adhere to the Radio Regulations and Amateur Radio Code. It does happen from time to time that unintentional and deliberate interference is caused on our bands. Please ensure that you monitor your station at all time. Do not leave your Shack Radios and VOIP Systems unattended. In the event of deliberate interference by an unlicensed intruder follow the guidelines as stipulate on the SARL Web-site.

Mark ZS4OIL donate radio to be used on the ZS Link Hub Network in Mossel Bay!

Now here is a story of  real amateur radio spirit and no Mark ZS4OIL does not know that I am writing an article about his kindness.  In toda...