Monday, February 28, 2022

IAXRPT AllStar Fix: IAXRPT client will not connect to any AllStar node after new HamVoip update

Image:  Iaxrpt main window.  (Click on image for larger view.)

The title says it all.  I updated my AllStar (49355) HamVoip firmware recently to the latest version.  This went smoothly, however my IAXRPT Windows Client would not connect to any of my nodes.  If other users of AllStar runs in to the same issue here is the fix.

" Note:  If you're a user of Zoiper, DVSwitch Mobile, IAXRPT or other IAX client software, these clients may NO LONGER CONNECT to your AllStar Nodes without a minor configuration change on the  HamVoIP node.  As of this software release, the IAX2 protocol has "call tokens" ENABLED. This is a VERY IMPORTANT security mechanism, which classically was always forced off in the AllStar software.  This is now changed.  To allow connections from software not supporting call tokens, simply modify the iax.conf file incoming stanza."

For example:

; iax.conf



Above:  Image of the iaxrpt.conf file.  For security reasons I removed passwords and IP Addresses.

After this update to HamVoip v 1.7,  I could connect again but the iaxrpt keypad and DTMF Keypad still did not want to function.  After some searching I found that the following three lines must be added to the rpt.conf file.



remote dtmf allowed=1

After adding the above three lines to rpt.conf everything was working as before and I could once again use the iaxrpt windows program without any issues.

I trust that the above will assist Iaxrpt/AllStar users when iaxrpt on Windows 7 - 10 would not connect since the most recent hamvoip update.  The above solved all my issues that I experienced after the update.

Mark ZS4OIL donate radio to be used on the ZS Link Hub Network in Mossel Bay!

Now here is a story of  real amateur radio spirit and no Mark ZS4OIL does not know that I am writing an article about his kindness.  In toda...