In an old post on the then Reboot Amateur Radio WhatsApp Group I requested radio amateurs to provide me with photos of the Sound Card Interface that they use for Digital Modes in Amateur Radio. Here are the original request:
"Show us the Sound Card Interface that you use for Digital Modes in Amateur Radio. I would like to post photos on the Reboot Amateur Radio Blog. It could be interesting to view all the various models currently used by radio amateurs. I have photos of the following people's soundcards: Danie ZS1DBJ, Keverne ZS1ABU and Abe ZS1ZS. Even if it is a commercial bought model. Take a photo and post it on the group. I am sure that there are many "brands" out there that would be of great interest to many of us. Awaiting your photos!!"
ED. In a future posting I will provide more information on how to use a Behringer Mixer as a soundcard interface and how to connect the a mixer to your amateur radio transceivers. Connecting a mixer to your radios have several benefits. Lookout for the article to be posted in this Blog.
And here are the photos: