Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The impact of Load-Shedding by Eskom now also "breaks" the GRHub Network

It is load-shedding time again.  The Eskom 👾 's are at work again!! Users of the GRHub Network need to take notice of the following:

Radio Amateurs might experience problems to connect to certain nodes when there is load - shedding or Internet - shedding.  Ya, a new term. 

Overseas connections will drop at any time when load shedding is implemented.  So to our listeners please understand that outages is beyond my control.  I will do my utmost best to render a good service but as you know by now the GRHub Network is not a one man show and I rely on my fellow radio amateurs, clubs and others to keep the system running.

I hear many shout "We told you if the Internet goes down you will be left in the cold!"  Agree BUT there is always an alternative.  I am currently looking into linking the GRHub Network to AREDN and even more RF equipment and amateur radio systems like WinLink, Digital Modes etc.  This will ensure that when Internet or Power Outages occur, that the GRHub Network will still be in operation.  Yes you will not be able to use Echolink but AllStar will still be working and will keep the GRHub Network up and running with even more features.  Now this is what I enjoy about amateur radio.  There is always an alternative means of communication be it VOIP, RF, HF VHF or UHF.

Experimenting is what it is all about.  I am still working on several systems and ideas and hopefully can come up with several solutions for the current glitches being experienced due to load-shedding and Internet Shedding/Outages.

Finally:  I apologize for outages and break in transmissions at times.  I am sure that it is not going to take too long to come up with alternatives. I am looking forward to implement new features and to the challenges ahead.

What's in the Box?

Here is another "What's in the Box?" Contents:     1.  Raspberry Pi 5 Power Supply 2.  HDMI Cable or Raspberry Pi 5 3.  Raspbe...