Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Easy way to use AllStar as a Radioless Node on the ZS-Link Network

ED: The instructions underneath is an easy way to use AllStar as you use Echolink without a sysop radio link.  This gives the beginner an easy start in AllStar but not only that, he or she can enjoy good quality audio.  Furthermore this is really a compact system that can even be used for mobile or portable operation.  Another advantage is that you do not need to keep your PC or Laptop running all the time and you can leave the AllStar Node permanently switched on. Below are the two methods to operate on Allstar without a radio. Method 1 uses a USB sound card dongle that has volume control buttons on it. Method 2 also uses a USB sound card dongle  that does NOT have volume control buttons on it.

Method 1:

The sound card with the volume control buttons on it that I used is the Manhattan USB 2.0 Sound Adapter. Below is a picture of it. What I did was use a USB extender cable to plug into the Pi so I didn’t have the fob plugged directly into the back of the Pi. You can plug in ear buds and a separate mic, or a headset. Just press on the volume down button to activate the PTT.


Method 2: 

Information below was found on Hamvoip site of Doug Crompton. The simpleusb-tune-menu code in V1.5 (Item 12 on the ADMIN menu) has a manual key option. The is the (K) for key in the menu. This manually keys the COS line just like an incoming RX signal would from your node radio. All you have to do is connect a headset and microphone to your USB Soundcard, open the simple-usb-tune-menu application and use the (K) option as PTT. This toggles back and forth by typing (K) followed by a (CR) carriage return. You also must setup the RX and TX levels (menu item 2 and 3) for the headphone/mic. Make sure you don't leave the (K) option keyed by accident. It will however clear (unkey) when you leave the simpleusb-tune-menu application.


 (Thanks to W5MGM + KF5LBT for the information)


Mark ZS4OIL donate radio to be used on the ZS Link Hub Network in Mossel Bay!

Now here is a story of  real amateur radio spirit and no Mark ZS4OIL does not know that I am writing an article about his kindness.  In toda...