Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Removable VHF/UHF Car Window Antenna for Amateur Radio Emergency Communications

I build this antenna several years ago while I administered the South African Weather and Disaster Information Service (SAWDIS).

Emergency Radio Communications forms part and parcel of the SAWDIS. Being a member of HAMNET requires that members be able to provide emergency radio communications during severe weather and disasters. Having used a mag-mount antenna for years, I decided that this was not the way to go when I recently purchased a new vehicle. The damage caused to the paint of the car and an ever lasting cable running from the roof to the car was just not viable any more. Drilling a hole was definitely not an alternative option. I considered buying a commercial antenna but due to the high cost, decided against buying a commercial manufactured antenna.

It is often difficult to install a two way radio and its associated antenna in a modern motor vehicle. In many cases a challenge is establishing a connection between the antenna on the outside of the vehicle and the radio inside, without drilling holes in the vehicle's body.

I decided to build a removable car window antenna with cross over connector. This mount is designed to provide a quick removable antenna system. That, combined with a VHF/UHF radio equipped with a plug designed for what used to be called a cigarette lighter socket, should be all it takes to set up temporary operation for emergency radio operations.

I started building the antenna about three weeks ago, but was interrupted many times which prohibited me from finishing the antenna in one or two days. I eventually finished the antenna over the weekend and put it to test yesterday afternoon while driving to George using a Yaesu VX-7R hand held as the transceiver. Tests were carried out with the help of Johan ZS2I and Willie ZS2CC. Reports received indicated that this antenna works exceptionally well and worth all the effort made to "homebrew" this antenna for emergency radio operations. A final bonus is the fact that the antenna and radio can be removed in a few seconds when not in use.

Herewith some pictures of my handywork.

Images: SAWDIS (Click for larger view.)

Design: Jean-Yves Morin, VE2MHZ - Removable Car Window Antenna with Cross Over Connector   PDF file for download supplied by Johan van Aarde ZS2I

How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

Image:  ZS1I Yaesu FT817 Radio Image:  ZS1I Homebrew Yaesu FT817 Soundcard Interface During the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest that took place in Jan...