I wish all the RAE Candidates the best for the examination this morning (21 May 2022). Your adventure has just started in amateur radio and remember it is a life long adventure and not only a few months. You will learn many things throughout your amateur radio career.
I am a bit late with the wishes but rather late then never. We hope to hear many of you on the air soon. We welcome you to the Amateur Radio hobby and look forward to "show you the ropes" in this wonderful hobby.
More information on the RAE including costs available HERE.
A big thank you must also go to all the lecturers, assessors and invigilators for their hard work and time, highly appreciated!!
Finally: Once you receive your amateur radio license you're more than welcome to join us on the ZS-Link Network via Echolink or via the RF Links (if available in your area). I will gladly assist you in connecting and joining us on the ZS-Link Network.