Monday, May 2, 2022

Feedback: " THE NSN NET #12" – Sunday 1 May 2022 15h30 SAST - Repeaters??


PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE NEXT DATE AND TIME OF THE NSN-NET!!  We moved to a new day and time-slot.  All indications are that the problems we experience during the week might have been solved with moving the net to a Sunday afternoon.

Despite moving to a new day and time-slot and the fact that it was a long weekend, a very interesting Net was held on Sunday the 1 May 2022 at 15h30.  Great input by all, even some "controversial" content but this shows that the Net is open to freedom of speech and that our participants is open minded when it comes to amateur radio matters. I would like to thank all those that participated in the Net in the past.  Your input makes the net what it is today.  A really special Net and something different from the ordinary get-to-together's on the air.

Yesterday many suggestions and new ideas were placed on the table for future food for thought iro the use and install of repeaters in South Africa. Many great ideas and suggestions surfaced that can be implemented and used when it comes to the install and use of repeaters.

The majority of participants agreed that there is a lack of repeater usage and that many repeaters are "dead".  Another great concern was the fact that on some repeaters you can "call your lungs out" and there would be no answer to your call.  The special allocation of repeaters for only certain usage was also discussed.  The security and access to repeaters were also of concern and many simple suggestions were made.   Cost to install repeaters were of great concern as well as the maintenance aspect.

Consensus were reached that there is a need for repeaters; that they must be used more frequently instead of a social media platform as is the norm nowadays; that each repeater user contribute to the cost of repeaters and that we must continue to build new technology repeaters and repeater networks, analog and digital.

If you missed the Net than you missed  a wide variety of view points relating to this question.

As  stated before, those that participated in the Net ensure the continuation of the Net.  The "Net Sonder Naam/Net without Name"  is not a one person en-devour or club activity but belongs to every radio amateur that participate.   I request listeners to report in by just telling us that you will be listening or to actively participate.  Just a reminder the net is open to all radio amateurs and you use the language of your preference!!

The following radio amateurs, repeaters and links were logged:

  1. Chris ZS1FC
  2. Jannie ZS1JFK
  3. Thys ZS1TBP
  4. Johan ZS1I
  5. Majorke ZS5V
  6. Christi ZS4CGR
  7. ZS1FC-L  West Coast Link
  8. Lionel ZS6DPL / 3DA0LP (Old Swaziland)
  9. Matt ZS1MDT  (Angola)
  10. Chris ZS1FC


  1.  Lem ZS1LEM


Every week we choose a topic question and ask it to each participant. If you have an amateur radio related topic or survey question that you'd like the net participants to discuss, we'd love to get your suggestions and input. Please email your topic suggestions by clicking HERE. If you prefer that your name/call not be used when we pose your topic to the net, please state so in your email and we'd be glad to respect your privacy.

This weeks topic: 

"Do we need all the analog and digital amateur radio repeaters currently installed and operational in South Africa? Looking at the usage and cost to install and maintain these repeaters, should we still build repeaters and repeater networks?"

"Word analoog en digitale amateur radio herhalers wat tans geinstalleer en in gebruik is, steed benodig in Suid Africa? As daar gekyk word na die gebruik en kostes om 'n herhaler te installeer en te onderhou, moet ons voortgaan om herhalers en herhaler netwerke te installeer?"

This question led to some interesting comments and suggestion.  See comment above.

This question was so popular that two rounds of discussions were held last night. 

Unfortunately I cannot provide full details about the comments and suggestions.  I would  like to encourage you to join the Net in future to find out more about the weekly topic question being discussed.   

If you have an amateur radio related topic or survey question that you'd like the net participants to discuss, we'd love to get your suggestions and input. Please email your topic suggestions by clicking HERE. If you prefer that your name/call not be used when we pose your topic to the net, please state so in your email and we'd be glad to respect your privacy. 


The question:  What did you do in amateur radio this week?  Tell us about your ventures in amateur radio this past week.

Looks like Christmas arrived early.  New amateur radios were placed in the shack and this was the main discussion here.  I trust that those who spoiled themself with a new radio in the shack be it your own or just borrowed, will enjoy the radio on a daily basis.

There you have it.  A short summary of events that took place yesterday afternoon during the NSN - Net.  Once again a wide variety of amateur radio activities, something for everybody. 

Can you provide more activities?  Please join us. This is not a club activity but the Net is open to all radio amateurs. Your presence will be most welcome.  We need you expertise!!

If there is any questions you can contact me via email by clicking HERE.

All that remains is the next date for the NSN Net.   "The next gathering will take place in the new time-slot on Sunday, 8 May 2022.  The NSN Net will start 10 minutes after the Bo Karoo Amateur Radio Bulletin broadcast.   Please take note of the change of day and time as to ensure that you can join us for another interesting Net.  A big thank you to those that reported in last night..  Highly appreciated!!


Johan ZS1I
Mossel Bay

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