Sunday, May 8, 2022

Reminder: NSN - Net #13 will take place today Sunday afternoon, 8 May 2022 10 minutes after the Bo Karoo Amateur Radio Klub bulletin.


The next NSN - Net will take place today on the 8 May 2022 ten minutes after the Bo Karoo Amateur Radio Klub bulletin.

The weekly topic question will be:

Is amateur radio slowly but surely being killed by the "SK Factor"?

Word amateur radio stadig maar seker deur die "SS Faktor" gedood? 

Please take a minute to read through the following sub-questions and suggestions. 

The following questions are currently unanswered. Hopefully some of the questions might set your brain into the thinking and creative mode and you can share your ideas on the net: 

  • Should we be alarmed by the many SK's compared to the new influx of radio amateurs? 
  •  How will we replace the experience and knowledge lost as a result of those who went SK? 
  •  How do we replace the friendship lost? 
  •  Amateur Radio activity declined as a result?
  •  Clubs and SARL lost faithful members as a result? Will there be as much RAE candidates to fill the shoes of those who became SK? 
  •  What need we do to ensure that the proud legacy of amateur radio lives on? 

It is not always good to just ask questions and talk about some issues in amateur radio. We need to come up with solutions, new ideas and then implement measures to stay relevant and in the fore ground in amateur radio. Join us on the NSN Net were we will hopefully come up with solutions, new ideas that can be implemented to ensure a brighter future for amateur radio despite having lost so many of our good amateur radio friends. 

What is very important is that we hear your opinion, suggestions and ideas in this regard. 


You can access the Net as follow:

  • Echolink - Connect to ZS1I-L, ZS1FC-L, ZS3KBY-R, ZS6WDL-R or ZS5PMB-R  Please note if the last 4 stations is not connected to ZS1I-L then you need to connect to ZS1I-L for the NSN Net.
  • AllStar - Connect to node 49355 ZS1I or 28052 ZS5PMB-R
  • VHF - 145.550 Mhz Simplex in the Mossel Bay area.  Remember the 88.5 khz CTCSS tone
  • Any other Echolink, AllStar repeater or link station that is connected to either ZS1I-L.
  • Use of your cellphone by installing Echolink on your phone
  • By means of a Network Radio example Enrico TM8 etc.

    Please feel free to join us this Sunday afternoon,  8 May 2022 at around 15h30 SAST.  We are all looking forward to your company and inputs in this regard.  Please also tell your amateur radio friends about the Net. Get rid of that daily stress and enjoy a good hour or two in the company of amateur radio friends.

    Hope to hear you on the NSN Net!!


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