Worked on the NGAR Beacon yesterday. Checked the calibration of the frequency and monitored the beacon on the Yaesu FT817 as well as the AirSpy SDR Program. The frequency need some further calibration. I am quite surprised by the "lack or absence" of higher harmonic frequencies on 144.480 Mhz. I am sure there are some lurking around as my SDR receiver has been modified to keep out noise and other nasty things. So a low pass filter (s) will be needed once I decided on which frequency (s) and band (s) I will be using the beacon. RF output is currently round about 10mW and I need to amplify this in future depending on the type of beacon and spectrum.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Update - Here comes the Next Generation Amateur Radio Beacon (s) for the Southern Cape!! (Part 3)
Worked on the NGAR Beacon yesterday. Checked the calibration of the frequency and monitored the beacon on the Yaesu FT817 as well as the AirSpy SDR Program. The frequency need some further calibration. I am quite surprised by the "lack or absence" of higher harmonic frequencies on 144.480 Mhz. I am sure there are some lurking around as my SDR receiver has been modified to keep out noise and other nasty things. So a low pass filter (s) will be needed once I decided on which frequency (s) and band (s) I will be using the beacon. RF output is currently round about 10mW and I need to amplify this in future depending on the type of beacon and spectrum.
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Article available in Afrikaans and English Also available in PDF: Click HERE Note: Audio Recording will soon be available: Afrikaans - HE...