I worked on the NGAR Beacon yesterday. Set the calibration of the frequency and monitored the beacon on the Yaesu FT817 as well as the AirSpy SDR Program. The beacon transmits on 144.480 Mhz CW but is currently only active when testing for short periods. The original code did not include the use of an Oled Display Screen. Although a nice to have, I included the screen that display the following : DE ZS1I-B KF15BT *2m*. This is not a essential attribute to the beacon but it is great to have a digital screen that constantly display the beacon call sign, grids square as well as the type of beacon. It is currently on the two meter band but this will change on my return from Australia. I have a few ideas that could enhance the beacon but that will also only be implemented once I return home.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Update - The Next Generation Amateur Radio Beacon (s) for the Southern Cape!! (Part 4)
I worked on the NGAR Beacon yesterday. Set the calibration of the frequency and monitored the beacon on the Yaesu FT817 as well as the AirSpy SDR Program. The beacon transmits on 144.480 Mhz CW but is currently only active when testing for short periods. The original code did not include the use of an Oled Display Screen. Although a nice to have, I included the screen that display the following : DE ZS1I-B KF15BT *2m*. This is not a essential attribute to the beacon but it is great to have a digital screen that constantly display the beacon call sign, grids square as well as the type of beacon. It is currently on the two meter band but this will change on my return from Australia. I have a few ideas that could enhance the beacon but that will also only be implemented once I return home.
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(Note: This posting can be translated by using the Translate Function Button on this Blog) In Desember 2023 is die volgende berig gepublisee...