A big shout out to all those that use the GRHub/ZSLink Network. On several occasions I express my concern relating to inactivity on the Echolink/AllStar Networks in South Africa. Despite this nagging several radio amateurs have "joined the party" and are keeping the network alive by each doing their own bit. Be it just a rag-chew or relaying some interesting content on the network. I would like to thank everyone that use the GRHub/ZSLink Network. It is their to be used for chatting, relaying, experimenting etc. It is also great to hear that overseas stations has returned and are calling CQ on the network. If you do hear a station calling CQ, please answer the call. Lets be known in South Africa as active TX radio amateurs that take it to hart to answer CQ calls.
Finally, I would like to thank Koos ZS5KDK for connecting the ZS5PMB-R to the GRHub Network to relay the following events:
- The Antique Wireless Association of SA - ZS0AWA. You can listen and join the net every Saturday morning at 08h30 SAST via the GRHub/ZSLink network. The AWASA is a non-profit organization run by volunteers for all radio amateurs, short wave listeners and anybody who has an interest in older types of short wave radios and other equipment, such as test equipment from earlier days. Although most members are licensed radio amateurs who concentrate on amateur radio transmitters and receivers, there are also some who restore and use vintage broadcast receivers and others who specialize in test equipment. We have members with a wide range of interests encompassing the days of crystal sets up to fairly modern ex-military radio equipment. More information can be found HERE Please do listen out for this weekly net. Very interesting amateur radio content are being discussed.
- The KZN HAMNET Bulletin - ZS5DCC. You can listen to this net every Sunday morning at 07h00 SAST via the GRHub/ZSLink network. HAMNET is a voluntary group of amateurs who make their unique communication skills available to assist and help others in distress during and after disasters. The members of Hamnet KZN are also actively involved in assisting with communications on numerous sporting events. During these events, normal means of communication by cell phone do not work due to various reasons, including traffic congestion of cell phone towers, and difficult terrain, such as deep valley where no cell phone coverage is found. More information can be found HERE. Please do listen out for this weekly bulletin.
How do I connect to the GRHub/ZSLink Network?
You can access the Network as follow:
If you experience problems contact ZS1I via the GRHub network or via email HERE.