Sunday, October 2, 2022

Eden Radio Club first news bulletin on the air today!!


Another new development from the ZS1ERZ Team!  
At 11h00 SAST (09h00 UTC) the Eden Radio Club will broadcast it's first news bulletin on air.
Where to listen and report in?
7155 Mhz (40m band)
145.550 Mhz Simplex 88.5 Tone  (Radio Link in the Southern Cape)
Echolink connect to ZS1I-L
AllStar connect to 49355

Please support this new amateur radio club in there en-devours by listening and reporting in after the bulletin.

Our own Story Teller - Richard Nicholls ZS5RMN grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Image: Richard's Mother next to her beloved vintage Alfa Romeo GT. (1960'S ?)  (Click on image for larger view.) It is with great sa...