Monday, February 6, 2023

Feedback "Lippeklap" Net 5 February 2023 15h30

We had a great discussion relating to amateur radio competitions yesterday afternoon. Here are the list of points that were discussed:  (Some in Afrikaans and some in English)

  1.   Hoekom werk jy kompetisies?
  2.  Wat hou jy nie van kompetisies nie?
  3.  Bly jy op een frekwensie of beweeg jy rond op die band?
  4.  QRM and QRN (Man made as well.)
  5.  Hierdie is my frekwensie. Ek gebruik dit al 30 jaar. QSY asseblief ek en my vriende wil hier gesels. gaan kompetisie op 'n ander frekwensie.
  6.  Is dit eties om oor ander deelnemers te roep?
  7.  Ek werk nie meer kompetisies nie want daar is te veel gemoan en gegroan na die tyd.
  8.  Slegte verloorders voor hulle nog begin deelneem het.
  9.  Is daar iets soos 'n "gentleman" in amateur radio kompetisies?
  10.  Hoe krag of lae krag tydens kompetisies?
  11.  Neewat die bande is treurig dit is nie die moeite werd om tyd te mors met kompetisies nie.
  12.  Kompetisies word altyd deur dieselfde clubs, radio amateurs gewen. Ander staan nie 'n kans nie.
  13.  Changing of the rules takes place to frequently.
  14.  Completing forms after the contest rather difficult and time consuming.
  15.  Giving away of points.
  16.  SARL Field Day 11-12 March 2023.
  17.  Nobody owns a frequency.
  18.  The enjoyment of contests.
  19.   Stay on one frequency - hopping around is better
  20.   Get help before and after a contest from an Elmer on how to participate and to fill in forms and spreadsheet.
  21.  Emosies verskil.  Jy is in kompetisie met jouself.
  22.  Talle voorvalle laaste tyd gedurende kompetisies.  Dit is ongenaam en moet stop.
  23.  Voorstel Kraguitset:  Drie klasse  - QRP (100 mw to 5 watt), NORMAAL ( 6 watt to 100 watt) and HOE KRAG (101 watt to 1 kw)  Dit sal almal 'n gelyke kans bied.
  24.  Sommige deelnemers "loop wyd" wanneer hul versterkers gebruik.  10 khz links en regs van 'n frekwensie.  
  25. Contestants should absorb some bashing during a contest.
  26. Versending van logstate nie altyd moontlik van een epos adres nie.  Daar moet ander opsies wees vir die instuur van logstate.
  27. Wees vriendelik en bedagsaam tydens kompetisies.  Onthou jy moet dalk eendag die persoon in die oe kyk.
  28. Before you call on any frequency a good practice would be to ask if the frequency is in use or occupied.
  29. Do not try to solve  any differences on the air.  Do this off the air!!  People who argue or "fight" on the air harms amateur radio and spoil the fun of others who listen to the debacle. 
  30. Enjoy amateur radio contests!!  After all we must set a good example to new radio amateurs who wants to participate in contests.  We do not want them to learn all the "bad" habits.

Unfortunately I do not have the time to provide a full detailed report of the discussions that took place relating to the above topics.  This is where you need to join the "Lippeklap" Net to find out more. 

In the February 2023 Radio ZS there is an interesting article on page 68 called "Amateur radio contests could become science projects" by Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV.  Contestants might find this very interesting and is well worth the read. 

May I just add that many great ideas /comments came from all those who participated in the Net. Many far better than those I provided.  Crux is join the Net and then you will be able to listen to all the comments and suggestions.

The next "Lippeklap"  Net will take place on Sunday, 12 February 2023 at 15h30 SAST. Connect to ZS1I-L via Echolink or 49355 AllStar Node or any of the other nodes connected to the GRHub Network. 

Hope to hear you on the next Lippeklap Net. 

Come join in on the fun!!


Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

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