Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Feedback "Lippeklap" Net 19 March 2023 15h30 SAST

 Once again we had a very successful "Lippeklap" Net yesterday afternoon.  For once loadshedding did not cause regular "dropouts" for connected stations to the GRHub Network. There was also an increase in stations connecting to the Network.  The Network was active on the West Coast, South Coast, East Coast + Interior, Panbult, Kimberley, Richards Bay links to mention a few that I was aware of.   A big thank you to all those who make the Network what it is today.  For those not knowing the Network consists of the following:

  • AllStar Nodes
  • Echolink Nodes
  • RF Link Radios
  • RF Repeaters
  • Zello Nodes
  • SVXLink Nodes
  • Individual Echolink Nodes
Every body that participated or connected their Network/Nodes to the GRHub contributed to the success of the "Lippeklap" Net this past Sunday afternoon.  You all make the Net!!

 Here are the list of points that were discussed:  (Some in Afrikaans and some in English)

  • Amateur Radio Stilte op Simplex en Herhalers
  • CPF Emergency Communications EFF shutdown
  • Radio Propogation -  HF Competitions - Loadshedding
  • RF in the Shack
  • ZS1ERZ Group Gathering near Botelierskop Game Reserve - photos
  • Checking Repeaters ZS5KDK in KZN
  • Sonpanele en Reguleerders
  • Solar Power Generators
  • NAVIS Antennas 
  • HF antennas near or on the Ground - B25 Radio
  • WSPR - Flight MH370 - Richard Godfrey and Dr Hannes Coetzee (ZS6BZP) -  ADSB
  • Articles about Flight MH370 visit  https://grhubnetwork.blogspot.com/search/label/Aviation
  • Use of the GRHub and ZS - Link Network for Emergency Communications
  • QRP Radios get the job done
  • Vervanging van motor battery - Sit die grootste battery in voertuig wat battery houer toelaat as jy amateur radio gaan beoefen uit jou voertuig uit.

Unfortunately I do not have the time to provide a full detailed report of the discussions that took place relating to the above topics.  This is where you need to join the "Lippeklap" Net to find out more.  

The next "Lippeklap"  Net will take place on Sunday, 26 March 2023 at 15h30 SAST. Connect to ZS1I-L via Echolink or 49355 AllStar Node or any of the other nodes connected to the GRHub Network. 

Hope to hear you on the next Lippeklap Net. 

Come join in on the fun!! 

"Onbetrokkenheid lei tot  die ondergang van velerlei Amateur Radio bedrywighede!"

"Non-involvement leads to the demise of many Amateur Radio activities!"



Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...