Monday, April 24, 2023

Important KZN Amateur Radio Event: ZS5 HAMFEST 2023!!

(Click on image for larger view)

Dear fellow Radio Amateurs,

HARC and MARC are delighted to invite you to attend the ZS5 Hamfest on Sat 29th April 2023, at the Beaumont Eston Farmers Club.

We're planning for a Mega Swap Shop with free tables which will run from 10h30 for most of the day. All are welcome and we're encouraging folk to do a clear out of any unwanted items to bring along on the day.

We also plan to use this opportunity to promote our hobby and foster conversation and goodwill amongst our local Radio Amateurs.

A number of Nets and Demos are scheduled and we hope with your support and involvement that this may become a regular event on the ZS5 calendar moving forward.

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards
ZS5 Hamfest Organising Committee

Route to the event:  Click on image for larger view.

Our own Story Teller - Richard Nicholls ZS5RMN grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Image: Richard's Mother next to her beloved vintage Alfa Romeo GT. (1960'S ?)  (Click on image for larger view.) It is with great sa...