Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Update 3: ZS1I DMR Bridge, Garden Route Area

I did a bit of further tweaking on the ZS1I DMR Bridge yesterday.  Before I continue I would like to thank the following stations who in some form or the other assisted me in conducting tests and setting audio levels on the ZS1I DMR Bridge:

  1. ZS1AFB
  2. ZS6CMO
  3. ZR6AGA
  4. EI7JQ
  5. ZS4VW
  6. ZS5BR
  7. ZS5V
  8. ZS6VB
  9. ZS5W
  10. ZS1DDM
  11. ZA - DMR NET
  12. ZS1MO

Throughout the day and during the tuesday ZA - DMR NET I was able to test the working of the DMR Bridge to the full. This included setting of audio levels in DMR, AllStar and Echolink. I am quite happy with the end result as the ZS1I DMR Bridge is now fully operational in the Garden Route Area.  The bridge is also linked to the ZS1I Garden Route Hub Network. (ZS1I-L, 49355 and 145.550 Mhz)

Unfortunately I could not join the ZA - DMR Net last night as by the time I finished all the tests, and setting up the bridge, loadshedding decided to rear its ugly head and I had to shutdown the bridge as all  equipment currently runs on Eskom power.  I will look into constructing a multi 5 volt DC battery operated power supply for the bridge.  This battery power supply will prevent loadshedding interruptions in future.  I intend to join the ZA - DMR Net next week Tuesday evening at 19h30  SAST.  I would like to remind the users of the ZS1I GRHub Network that the ZA - DMR Net now has an active slot on Tuesday evenings at 19h30 SAST and you can listen or participate in the Net via DMR, AllStar, Echolink or on 145.550 Mhz Simplex 88.5 CTCSS in the Mossel Bay area.  The ARRL Weekly Bulletin has been moved to a Thursday evening at 19h30 SAST on the GRHub Network.

The audio quality of the DMR Bridge was adjusted to the same level as all the other ZS1I systems currently in operation in the Garden Route area.  I would however like to ask fellow radio amateurs to not openly criticize the audio of others.  One should remember that it is not possible to come to an instant conclusion that bad audio is coming from an individual or a network system.  There is nothing wrong to give a report that the audio quality is not good but please do not criticize and rant about the bad audio.  Rather assist than criticize!  Many factors play a roll when it comes to bad audio or packet loss.  Without proper testing one can not establish the cause of bad audio or packet loss just by listening.

Finally:  I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the ZS-LINK and GRHub Network if they so wish. The DMR Bridge network is not a private, club only or special allocated network venture.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Start or join a QSO on DMR and make new friends.

Thank you to those who support and use the ZS-Link Network regularly.  Highly appreciated!!


Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...