Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Update 1: DMR Bridge now active in the Garden Route Area and "test driven" by Majorke ZS5V from KZN.

(Click on image for larger view.)

Great news!  The ZS1I DMR Bridge in the Garden Route Area is now active and works great.   No this Bridge is not only for radio amateurs in the Garden Route Area.  It is now available on Echolink/AllStar throughout the world for radio amateurs to use.  You do not need a digital radio to use the ZS1I DMR Bridge or to speak on DMR.  You can use the following to connect to the ZS1I DMR Bridge. (Echolink ZS1I-R  = DMR/Allstar/Echolink Bridge)

  • Analog VHF/UHF Radio including HT's.
  • Echolink on your Cellphone
  • Echolink on you PC
  • IAXRpt on your Windows PC
  • Zoiper on you Cellphone
  • DVSwitch on your Cellphone or PC
  • Might be others but the above will get you going.

How do I use this DMR Bridge?

As per usual:

PLEASE leave a "5 second delay" between replying to a station to allow ALL the systems to reset and connect.

Please note this is a global network and you will be transmitting on RF all over the world.

It is extremely important that you spend time ensuring your audio levels are correct before connecting and using the DMR Bridge.

Correct operating procedure is a distinct characteristic of Amateur Radio.  It’s important that you convey to the public, and to new radio amateurs, the image that Amateur Radio Operators are courteous, patient, and really know what they’re doing.  A friendly style is great, but we also need to operate professionally.  You never know who may be listening.

Do not cause intentional interference, to links, repeater, hubs, nodes or conversations on the network.  Intentional interference is not only heard locally but World Wide.  Just remember that intentional interference can today easily be traced to your call sign as all connecting RF and Digital stations leave an identifiable script in a logfile. 

With the above out of the way here is how you connect to the ZS1I DMR Bridge:

I found that for our local radio amateurs who does not have experience in using AllStar to rather use Echolink to connect to the Bridge.  Log into Echolink and navigate to the menu that list all South African nodes currently active.  Search for ZS1I-R  DMR/Allstar/E-Link Bridge (Node 929614), select  and connect to this node.  Once connected listen a while for activity. Once the "channel" (Talk Group) is clear you can give a call and wait for a response from a DMR station.  Go ahead with the QSO.  PLEASE keep it short as others would also like to use the "channel" (Talk Group).  Please ensure that you release the "PTT" button as not to lockup the "channel"  (Talk Group)

That's it simple as can be and similar to a normal contact using Echolink.

But how about making a DMR contact via VHF/UHF radio.  Currently the ZS1I DMR Bridge is not connected directly to any linked radio network.  However from time to time if the ZS1I-L GRHub Network is not busy I will link the DMR Bridge to ZS1I-L on Echolink.  You can then connect via any personal, simplex link or repeater link network to the DMR Bridge.  Example:  The above image of the DVSwitch Dashboard reflect a contact via the DMR Bridge. 

Majorke ZS5V who used a 2m Radio and the ZS5PMP-R analog repeater network via the ZS1I DMR Bridge to make a contact with Frank Van Pelt PA1V in Netherland who used a 70cm DMR Radio.


Image: Frank PA1V (Click on image for larger view.)

Anybody that are connected to any simplex link or repeater link and to the DMR Bridge Node (ZS1-L or ZS1I-R) can make a contact on DMR. This allows radio amateurs that do not have a digital radio to make contact with DMR stations via their analog radios.

I trust that the ZS1I DMR Bridge will be of use to radio amateurs who would like to learn more about DMR and the use of this facility.  It definitely open up new doors and adventures in the world of digital radio using analog radios.

Enough for now.

Finally:  I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the ZS-LINK and GRHub Network if they so wish. The DMR Bridge network is not a private, club only or special allocated network venture.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Start or join a QSO on DMR and make new friends.

Thank you to those who support and use the ZS-Link Network regularly.  Highly appreciated!!


Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...