Monday, October 9, 2023

Changes / Maintenance to the 145.750 Mhz Aasvoelkop Repeater, Southern Cape (8 October 2023)

Image:  The view from Aasvoelkop close to Albertinia

It is early morning the 8 October 2023 and a group of Still Bay radio amateurs are on their way to the 145.750 Mhz Aasvoelkop Repeater close to Albertinia in the Southern Cape. (The work was scheduled to take place on, 7 October 2023 but the weather did not play ball.)

The team had several tasks on hand which included changes and maintenance to the site. The tower was extended by installing a 6m pole atop;  the re-installation of repeater antennas; fitting isolators; setting the "tail" of the repeater etc. Now some might not know this is not a quick half and hour task.  The team worked throughout the day with each team member having his own specialist task to perform on the repeater site.  

Comment from the team:

"Fotos van ons dag op die berg by AasvoĆ«lkop. Die mooiste uitsigte oor Apbertinia, Stilbaai en Gouritsmond. Kyk die nuwe 6m paal bo aan met die "stacks dipole" en die fancy insulators aan die ankerkabels. Dankie vir al jul ouens se harde werk en die voertuie wat ons bo gekry het. Groot avontuur!" 

The Team:

1.  Johan ZS1AAC
2.  Henry ZS1SB
3.  Nick ZS1NS
4.  Eben ZS1EP
5.  en others of whom I unfortunately do not have the names. 

Aasvoelkop VHF Repeater:  

Frequency:  Output: 145.750 Mhz / Input: 145.150 Mhz   88.5 hz CTCSS
Mode: FM Analog
Coverage: George, Struisbaai, Agulhas, Swellendam, Barrydale, Suurbrak, Heidelberg, Witsand, Riversdal, Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Gouritsmond, Vleesbaai, Mosselbaai, Oudtshoorn, Hartenbos, Sedgefield, Knysna, Buffelsbaai, Brenton on Sea, Rheebok, Plettenberg bay, Craggs,

Audio and coverage reports are most welcome and can be forwarded by clicking HERE
(Reports will be forwarded to The Team.)
Videos of the team hard at work:


Herewith a few images of the team hard at work at the repeater site.  (Click on images for larger view.)


Report:  Monday morning 9 October 2023 @ 07h00 -  Contact between Johan ZS1AAC/M (Still Bay) and Nico ZS1ZAN (Laingsburg)  via the repeater.  Distance:  157.61 km.

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

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