Monday, October 2, 2023

Simple Projects: Refurbishing LED Spotlight Day / Night Switch at my QTH

The LED spotlight in the front of my home decided to go SK after years of service out in the open.  I replaced the LED but unfortunately bumped against the Day /Night Switch which shattered /disintegrated the cover and exposed the PCB board to the elements. I could have bought a new switch but decided to refurbish the old one by removing the PCB and placing it in a waterproof electric box.  I fitted a electrical gland to the box for the wires and drilled a hole in the cover for the LDR as the box was not translucent. I covered the hole with a piece of clear plastic and waterproof it. I fitted the PCB and connected the Day / Night Switch to the LED.  I will monitor the on /off switching to see if the LDR functions correctly with the amount of light shining through the hole.  Yes, I know I could just have bought a new one but why throw something away that is still working?  Total cost R35.00.

Images:  (Click on images for larger view.)



Bottom two photos - The old red housing of the Day / Night Switch.  The top cover completely disintegrated into small pieces.

PS  Day / Night Switch tested yesterday evening.  Working flawlessly and I am sure that the cabinet will last twice as long as the original cover.  Cheap and Easy solution.

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