Monday, January 29, 2024

Down Memory Lane - ZS9X De Brug, Bloemfontein - April 2008

I spend some time in the "City of Roses" (Bloemfontein) with it's friendly people during April 2008.   I will give an overview divided into several topics on the activities that myself and Nico ZS4N  "indulged" in and believe me there was like before never one single dull moment.   Amateur Radio once again proved to be the winner!!

Well let's get on with the business.  


Photo:  Optibeam rotatable covering 40 to 10m        

Now who is ZS9X and what is their aim?

The callsign ZS9X has been allocated to the Bloemfontein Defense Force Amateur Radio Club. The club is located on a hill about 20 km west of the city of Bloemfontein overlooking the De Brug military training area. The club was originally an HF Telecommunication Station in use by the South African National Defense Force (SANDF), but with developments in technology, has given way to modern technology such as satellite telecommunications etc.

ZS9X has three aims namely :

1. Participation in DX competitions (all modes) as a single or as a multi operator operation.

2. Development of amateur radio amongst the youth.

3. A station that can be utilized by visiting national and international radio amateurs. The facility has its own accommodation facilities.

The station has an impressive antenna system comprising:

Three Log Periodics covering 3 - 30 Mhz fixed in North West, North and North Easterly directions for use mainly on 80m and 40m. Each Log P has 30 elements and occupies about an acre of ground.
One Optibeam OB17/4 up at a height of 20m (approx 66ft), rotatable, covering 40 through to 10m.
Two Optibeams OB16/3 up at a height of 15 (approx 50ft), fixed east and west
One 5 element 10m monobander up at a height of 30m (approx 100ft) fixed north.
One HF Discone antenna mounted on a 40m mast covering 1,5 - 30Mhz which will be used mainly on 160m.

A variety of dipole, vertical and other wire antennas are also planned as projects.

The equipment consists of an Icom IC781 and an Icom IC7800 transceivers with valve type amplifiers.

Myself an Nico ZS4N visited ZS9X with Colonel John Smith (ZS4S) (Now SK), the commander of the Regional Signal Unit in the Free State Province.  Many thanks to John ZS4S who made all the effort to show us around the facilities of ZS9X. Having spend some time at "DE BRUG" in 1980, brought back many memories.  

Myself and Nico also were afforded the opportunity to do some VHF/UHF experiments from ZS9X.  As  ZS9X is situation on a hill outside of Bloemfontein, this gave us the ideal take-off on VHF/UHF.  Several repeaters were activated from this site.  These include:  Ladybrand 145.775Mhz, Welkom 145.750Mhz,  Aliwal North 145.750Mhz, Klerksdorp 145.775Mhz and obviously all the local repeaters in Bloemfontein.  Test were also conducted on VHF/UHF simplex towards Upington, Kimberley, Postmasburg, Kathu and Loathla.  We also listened on several beacon frequencies but only the ZS4AFV 2 meter beacon was heard.   Many thanks to Stefan ZS3S who supplied the following antennas for the experiments:  70 cm  Diamond A430S10R (10 element ) beam  and the 2M Diamond A144S10 (10 element) beam.  

We left the ZS9X site just before 12 noon and returned to the QTH of Nico ZS4N.   

What a great station and environment to operate the ZS9X DX Contest Station and also having the opportunity to return to De Brug, 28 years later where a lot of sweat was left behind in the 1980's.

Truly a great trip "Down memory lane!"

PHOTO ALBUM OF ZS9X:    (Click on images for larger view.)                              

Above:  HF Discone antenna mounted on a 40m mast  covering 1,5 - 30Mhz which will be used mainly on 160m. 

Above:  Optibeam up at a height of 15 (approx 50ft), fixed west.

 Above: Log Periodics covering 3 - 30 Mhz fixed use mainly on   80m  and 40m. Each Log P has 30 elements and occupies about an acre of ground.

 Above :  Variety of dipoles (to the right)                 

Above:  One of the massive 900Mhz dishes. ( Not operational)    

Above:  Front view of the dish and other antennas in the background.

Above:  "LNB"  of one of the dishes     

Above:  Operating desk at ZS9X.  (Radio's locked away for obvious reasons.)  

Above:  VHF/UHF tests being conducted.  The 10 element 2 Meter Yagi donated for tests by ZS3S.  

Above:  ICOM IC7800

Above:  ICOM IC781

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

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