Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Amateur Radio: Adapt or Die? Read on, it is not what you think.

 Image:  Bracknell Amateur Radio Club

 Adapt or die ...  here we go again with the old story so many has heard over the years.  Please read on. This is not a post about amateur radio dying.  Since the start of the world wide Covid19 epidemic many things have changed in amateur radio.  I hear you say that I am talking a lot of bull.  Well that is your opinion and I respect it.  

Over the months I observed the following:

1.  Several silent keys as a result of Covid19.  My condolences to those who lost loved ones as a result.

2.  Amateur Meetings (Indoor and Outdoor) gatherings were either non existing or attendance figures were very low, some in single figure digits.

3.  Older radio amateurs chose to rather stay at home and not attend any virtual-,  social- or live amateur radio events.  I personally know of many.

4.  No real new group amateur- or electronic inventions were announced or released.

5.  A sharp increase in the trade of amateur radio equipment at really over inflated prices.  Some giving up?

6.  As far as can be established very few new radios were imported or sold.  We rather play with what we have.

7.  Some radio amateurs refused to use Skype, Zoom etc. for virtual club/group meetings.

8.  Very few live technical talks, lectures or demonstrations were held for especially new radio amateurs.

And so I can continue on with many more halted "changes" as a result of Covid19.  I am not looking for any reasons for the above BUT as in all other aspects related to Covid19, we have lost a great deal of time, companionship etc.

Now why mention all the above if we already know this to be the situation in amateur radio.  Well we will have to consider how we do certain "things" now and in future in amateur radio or we can just carry on dying a slow and painful "death'.  

Covid19 has changed the way we do certain "things" in Amateur Radio whether we like it or not. We must adapt to circumstances or be willing to sacrifice certain "pleasures" in Amateur Radio due to the Covid19 virus.  Yes, I hear many shout but Covid19 will eventually be overcome!!  The question nobody can answer is WHEN?  If we wait and do nothing we will lose radio amateurs  ("old and new") due to inactivity and lack of social and live amateur radio events.

One such activity is monthly public/live  get together  or club meetings.  In our area we have a club as well as a group of radio amateurs that use to gather on a monthly basis.   Since the pandemic outbreak started all live meetings were stopped/postponed/restricted.  As the pandemic continue it is clear that it will take some time before we can hopefully safely get together again without any limitations.

In June 2020 I suggested we use ZOOM as to stay virtually in touch with each other even drinking a cup of coffee while in a ZOOM meeting.  What we have done before can now be done safely with ZOOM without the risk of getting infected.  Unfortunately after spending many hours and money the ZOOM idea were not accepted by radio amateurs in this area and fell along the wayside.  With it went the monthly Reboot Coffee drink group meetings.  ZOOM could have virtually filled the "gap" of not being able to get together in person in a coffee shop.  This just shows the apathy or unwillingness to try something new.   No this is not sour grapes.  Amateur radio is the losing party here.

OK enough let me summarize.  There is an old saying "You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink".  So true.  Need I explain?  

I feel for new radio amateurs in this time.  They would like to experience many if not all aspects of amateur radio.  The way we currently do things will not cut it for many and we will lose or already lost many.  Now is the time to think out of the box.  Don't be reluctant to use all communication mediums available to the benefit of amateur radio.  Experiment with new technology and mediums.  Meet with your fellow radio amateurs virtually or on the air and share your experience and knowledge with all amateurs.  Do not become a hermit or couch potato.  You only have one life.  Live it!!

Invitation:  I would like to read your take on the above.  Positive or negative but also to include solutions to many problems (if any) we currently experience in amateur radio.   Send me an email by clicking HERE

Don't be passive be active and encourage your fellow radio amateur to follow suite!!


Johan ZS1I

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