first semi-automatic ARRL Audio News Bulletin on the ZS1I-L
GRHub/Echolink Network at 20h00 last night was a great success. Great audio
quality to listen to, forthcoming from the uLaw codec. I am currently
busy modifying a bash script compiled by Doug WA3DSP to completely
automate the ARRL and ARNews bulletins on one of the nodes. If
successful I will be looking to automate the SARL and Amateur Radio
Today bulletins as well. Keep your fingers crossed as my script
modification ability is rather poor. I am also looking at setting up a
fixed weekly schedule for broadcasting these bulletins. The final
schedule will be posted here for those that are interested and would
like to listen to amateur radio news and other bulletins. Once again
the aim here is to keep our RF Frequencies occupied and hopefully create
some activity.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Feedback News Bulletins on the GRHub Network.
Can one see Auroras (Southern Lights) in South Africa?
Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) over Simons Town. Picture: Hassaan Tanvir During a recent discussion on the "Sonsak Span Amateur Rad...
Image: The new 145.750 Mhz Tower and Repeater (Click on image for larger view.) It is done and dusted it really? In Part 1 a...
Bo: Rulhof van der Merwe ZS4RM in sy radio kamer Rulhof van der Merwe ZS4RM het weereens gewys dat hy nie gras onder sy voete laat groei w...
(Note: This posting can be translated by using the Translate Function Button on this Blog) In Desember 2023 is die volgende berig gepublisee...