Friday, December 10, 2021

#4 - What's in the Box?

 This guy (ZS1I) is getting like the YouTube video posters with his "What's in the Box?"  I received several requests to please continue with the series "What's in the Box?"  From all accounts these postings were of great interest to some of the readers of the GRHub Network Blog.  I will oblige in this regard and will from time to time post images and information of what is in the boxes I receive.  I am also looking at providing a review of equipment, components, modules etc.  I have not yet decided in which format to publish these reviews.  It will either be done on this blog or via a YouTube channel.  Now I must say I do not regularly buy items via the Internet.  So do not expect many posts in this regard.  Some of the equipment in the boxes is not new so do not expect the latest amateur radio state of the art equipment to be unboxed.

I had the privilege to buy the item in the box from Dirk ZS1DRK  and would like to thank him for making it available.  I have now bought  three radios from him, all of them in a as new condition.  Very well looked after radios.  Thanks, Dirk.

Before I reveal what is in the box, I must express my opinion about the general concept that this item is not amateur radio.  I have said it before.  I use any equipment to communicate with and have no prevalence's whether it is "pure" amateur radio equipment or not as long as I can communicate and enjoy myself, then I am happy to use anything even an old heliograph 

For those purist of the pure this is well worth a read:  Click HERE

Lets get cracking in unboxing this item:  (Click on images for larger view.)

 Finally:  I will provide more information and test results in a future post about this Network Radio.  I bought it for a special purpose that will also later be revealed.  This network radio will be of great assistance in monitoring the GRHub Network and will enhance the functions of the network even further.

Important message for Brandmeister - i.r.o. radio amateurs using a Radio ID starting with 1

 The Brandmeister DMR platform is a constantly evolving system, requiring regular optimizations and maintenance to ensure its efficiency, re...