Friday, December 10, 2021

Update: Young and New Radio Amateur takes radio (bull) by the horns!!

I am grateful to report that my fellow radio amateurs definitely has the young/new radio amateur at heart. The above topic is now the all time most viewed topic on the GRHub Network Blog. In my opinion this show that there is great interest in what new radio amateurs are up to, be it exploring or experimenting. In my opinion the Elmer concept need to be re-implemented and expanded in South Africa if not active. Feedback on elmering is a must as others will be able to learn from this concept.

Elmer - “Someone who provides personal guidance and assistance to would-be hams and also to hams that are seeking personal assistance in specific areas of the amateur radio hobby.” - N2QOJ.

We should compile a country wide list of radio amateurs that have volunteered to be "resources" to our amateur radio community in South Africa. These Elmer volunteers should be available as personal mentors/coaches in areas of the amateur radio hobby. They must guide the would-be and already radio amateur to how to best approach and solve a technical or amateur radio problem. These Elmers must each have reached a level of subject matter expertise that identifies them to us as "Elmer".  More on this in a future post.

In the mean time lets assist and Elmer those who need assistance.  This way we will prevent new- and existing radio amateurs to fall along the way-side.  This would ensure growth and the future of amateur radio in South Africa!!

Important message for Brandmeister - i.r.o. radio amateurs using a Radio ID starting with 1

 The Brandmeister DMR platform is a constantly evolving system, requiring regular optimizations and maintenance to ensure its efficiency, re...