Another What's in the Box, I hear you say Christmas has passed, so why this box? Well it arrived late from overseas, but as they say rather late then never. I received it on Wednesday and decided it was time to join the VHF/UHF digital radio side of Amateur Radio. Yes it is a Hotspot and I will mainly use it for DMR. I am a newbie when it comes to DMR and will start from the bottom and hopefully work my way to the top. As far as I know there is no local radio amateurs playing with DMR so the Internet will be my Elmer. The first step would be to get the Hotspot up and running and then program a new codeplug for my TYT MD380 HT radio. Ya I want to start from scratch and learn all there is to learn. No I do not want to just upload a codeplug and go the easy route. So here is a few images of what I have been up to. Update to follow once I get the Hotspot up and running.
Friday, December 31, 2021
#5 What is in the Box?
Can one see Auroras (Southern Lights) in South Africa?
Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) over Simons Town. Picture: Hassaan Tanvir During a recent discussion on the "Sonsak Span Amateur Rad...
Image: The new 145.750 Mhz Tower and Repeater (Click on image for larger view.) It is done and dusted it really? In Part 1 a...
Bo: Rulhof van der Merwe ZS4RM in sy radio kamer Rulhof van der Merwe ZS4RM het weereens gewys dat hy nie gras onder sy voete laat groei w...
(Note: This posting can be translated by using the Translate Function Button on this Blog) In Desember 2023 is die volgende berig gepublisee...