Monday, February 7, 2022
DIY Layout Creator - Vero Board Outlay
DIY Layout Creator (DIYLC in short) is freeware drawing tool developed with help of a large online community of DIY electronics enthusiasts. It incorporates many ideas that came from people using older versions of the application. The goal is to provide a simple interface and enough power to let the user draw schematics, board/chassis layouts and guitar wiring diagrams quickly and without a steep learning curve. Also, it is build around the flexible open source framework that may be used to draw pretty much anything. More information at:
Download version 1.18
Download complete layout collection for version 1.x
Comments from Reboot Group: 2020/05/01, 6:43 am - Francois ZS1Q George: More. Daars hy .. mooi so. Hou van jou beskrywing - sagte na harde 2020/05/01, 6:45 am - Danie ZS1DBJ George: Vir die eerste keer in my lang betrokkenheid (1963) met Vero board is dit ń absolute plesier met hierdie program. Dankie aan die ontwikkelaar. 2020/05/01, 7:00 am - Johan ZS1I: 2020/05/01, 8:11 am - Abe ZS1ZS Mosselbaai: Dit lyk na plesier. Het altyd op blokkies papier uitleg met n potlood gedoen.(vir die regstellings). en x waar track gesny word. 2020/05/01, 8:15 am - Danie ZS1DBJ George: Ek het so te werk gegaan op grafiek papier, Abe. Hierdie program gee vir my meer moed om kringe op Vero te doen. 2020/05/01, 8:17 am - Keverne Thurling ZS1ABU George: Not sure if I’m ever going to use it, but I have a nice size piece of Vero if you run out. 2020/05/01, 8:18 am - Abe ZS1ZS Mosselbaai: ek hou van daai program. Sal dit ook aflaai 2020/05/01, 8:22 am - Danie ZS1DBJ George: Morning Keverne. I will remember your offer. I use vero quite often for testing of circuits before creating the pcb. 2020/05/01, 8:24 am - Keverne Thurling ZS1ABU George: 2020/05/01, 8:42 am - Johann Swanepoel ZS2BVD George: Ek hou van veroboard en ek hou van daardie program. 2020/05/01, 9:08 am - André ZS1AFB van George: Ek is ook 'n vero board persoon. Thanks to Danie ZS1DBJ who provided the information relating to DIY Layout Creator.
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