Tuesday, February 8, 2022

From the Desk: "What is lately happening on the GRHub Network?"

It has been a while since an update was posted on activities on the GRHub Network.  The network is alive and well thanks to radio amateurs who use the network and added nodes to the existing network.  I have been asked why use the name GRHub Network?  It is actually very simple.  If I use the name "ZS1I Hub Network" it would reflect on me as a one man setup/station which is not correct. There are many other roll players that ensure that the network is operational and being extended to other areas of the country and even overseas.  I would like to thank all those radio amateurs that keep the network maintained and running.  Your unselfish participation in maintaining nodes, repeaters, links etc. is highly appreciated.  Remember you do it for Amateur Radio, the best hobby in the world!!

Here is a list of activities and add-ons to the GRHub Network:

1.  New AllStar Node join the GRHub Network:  First we welcome the ZS6CMO-L AllStar Node of Curtis up in Alberton.  Curtis has a very interesting AllStar setup where he uses the latest low power technology to provide a link node in the Alberton area.  More on this in a future posting.  He is currently busy to investigate the possibility to add a high power node to extend the coverage area of his node.  His participation and willingness to share information has been welcomed by several other radio amateurs using the network. Welcome to Curtis on the network and we are looking forward to hear more about your projects/experimentation on the network. 

2.  CTCSS Activation:  CTCSS is now active on the GRHub Network 145.550 Mhz Link in the Mossel Bay area.  CTCSS in my opinion is a must activate for all Repeaters and Simplex Linked networks and I would like to advise Echolink linked RF Radios to activate the CTCSS function on your linked radio's. This will help in some cases to prevent harmonic and other interference/break-thru by radio stations in your area of operating. 

To access the GRHub Network on 145.550 Mhz in the Mossel Bay area you need to enable your radio's TX CTCSS tone of 88.5 khz.  Ten einde toegang te verkry tot die GRHub Netwerk op 145.550 Mhz in die Mosselbaai area is dit 'n vereiste dat u u radio se TX CTCSS toon van 88.5 khz aktiveer.

3.  AllStar Node Automated:  99.5 % of all amateur radio bulletin broadcasts are now automated by using the Crontab function.  Convenient, yes.  This does not mean that you can leave the network unattended.  We should all now know that Murphy is still around and he can cause havoc to any electronic system.  However automation makes life far easier and convenient for me and all the users of the network.

4.  Eskom Load-Shedding:   The power backup systems that were developed/constructed by me for the network has shown to be working very reliable in the event of a power outage.  During the recent load-shedding no problems were experienced and all systems worked as if there was no power outage. Unfortunately I have no remedy should the Internet fail.  Thankfully the GRHub Network will still function locally as an RF Link node with all the functions in active mode but with no Internet connection.  Internet Outages has been far and in between and did not effect the network in a big way in the past.  I am still busy on two projects to assist during load-shedding.  More on this in future postings. 

5.  Automated Announcements now Active:  The 49355 AllStar node now supports custom node announcements on the GRHub Network.  Local as well as Global automated announcements are now active on the GRHub Network. It is now possible to play audio announcements automatically of amateur radio activities at a given time on a given day.  The two options I will be using is Playback and Localplay.  Playback play audio announcements globally to all the nodes that are connected to the network.  Localplay play audio announcements only on the 49355 node locally which is not heard by any connected stations except to stations listening on the 145.550 Mhz RF linked radio.  The SARL, Amateur Radio Today, Clubs and radio amateurs that wish to promote activities or has an announcement to make can contact me in order to broadcast the information free of charge on the network.  Yet another free service to radio amateurs.

6.  VOIP "DX" active at times: Several overseas stations were heard on the network and in many cases their calls were answered by local radio amateurs.  I would like to encourage radio amateurs to answer CQ "DX" calls on the network.  Let's be ambassadors for amateur radio in South Africa.  The appreciation by foreign stations when calls are answered is noticeable and we need to change any false perceptions about radio amateurs in this country if there is any. 

Update on outstanding projects/functions:  

  • I am currently working on constructing a mast base and fittings to use in installing a higher mast to accommodate the 145.550 Mhz linked radio to hopefully give a wider coverage area.  Once finished all metal parts will be send for galvanizing as untreated metal will not last at the sea.
  • Construction of the Emergency Backup Power Controller and 2 x Solar Generators are progressing well and should soon all be completed.  Updates to follow in separate future posts.
  • The conversion of an IRLP board to use with AllStar is progressing well.  I hope to finish the project in March sometime.  Once I get it up and running I will make all info and modifications available in a future post.

Enough for now.

Finally:  I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the GRHub Network if they so wish. The network is not a private or special allocated network.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Transmit, experiment, test etc. - let radio amateurs know you are active and on the network.  Start or join a QSO and make new friends.

Thank you to those who support and use the GRHub Network regularly.  Highly appreciated!!



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