Friday, March 4, 2022

Feedback: " THE NSN NET #4" – Thursday 3 March 2022 19h30 SAST


Firstly a big thank you to the following radio amateurs that reported into the Net last night.  We had a great time with interesting discussions!!  As  stated before, those that participated in the Net ensure the continuation of the Net.  The Net  is not a one person en-devour but belongs to every radio amateur that participate.  However it does not belong to listeners as they do not contribute to the Net in any way.  I therefor ask listeners to report in by just telling us that you will be listening or to actively participate.  Just a reminder the net is not a club affiliated net and is open to all radio amateurs.

The following radio amateurs, repeaters and links were logged:

A special word of welcome to John KK4JON (USA) and Pieter  ZS1PDT (New Zealand).

  1.  Marco ZS1NEU
  2.  Thys ZS1TBP
  3.  Johan ZS1I
  4.  Erich ZR3EJH
  5.  Janco ZS6LVJ
  6.  Reg  ZS1ADC
  7.  Danie ZS1DBJ
  8.  GRHub Link ZS1I-L
  9.  Weskus Link ZS1FC-L
  10.  Chris ZS1FC
  11.  Cor ZS6CR
  12.  John KK4JON (USA)
  13.  Majorke ZS5V
  14.  Theunis ZS2EC
  15.   Corne ZS1COR
  16.   Pieter ZL1PDT (New Zealand)
  17.   Gary ZS1GAR
  18.   Johan ZS1I



Very Contagious Virus:

A very contagious virus is spreading fast in the Garden Route Area.  Indications are that wearing a mask or sanitizing you hands do not protect you  from getting infected with "The Knack".  

This week we listened to what happens when you are not longer infected with "The Knack".

Not being infected leads to disastrous consequences for Dilbert.  It would be better if you indeed infected with  "The Knack".

Like Pieter ZL1PDT pointed out in the image, it is an obsession that cause "The Knack":

Weekly Topic Question:

Every week we choose a topic question and ask it to each participant.

This weeks topic: Who was/is your "Elmer (s)"  in Amateur Radio?  Wie was/is jou "leermeester (s)" in Amateur Radio? 

Elmer –Someone who provides personal guidance and assistance to would-be radio amateurs and also to radio amateurs that are seeking personal assistance in specific areas of the amateur radio hobby.”

This question lead to some interesting comments from all the participants.  Unfortunately I cannot provide full detail about the comments.  I would suggest you join the Net in future to find out more about the weekly topic question being discussed.  

If you have an amateur radio related topic or survey question that you'd like the net participants to discuss, we'd love to get your suggestions and input. Please email your topic suggestions by clicking HERE. If you prefer that your name/call not be used when we pose your topic to the net, please state so in your email and we'd be glad to respect your privacy.

Questions and Answers:

If you have an amateur radio related question or technical issue that you'd like advice, answers, or guidance, you can ask it during the Q&A portion of the net, or you can email it to me in advance and I will ask the question/s to the net on your behalf. Someone on the net probably has an answer for you. If you would like to submit a question to the net, please email by clicking HERE  Also, if you prefer that your name/call not be used when we ask your question on the air, please state so in your email.

1.  What should your concrete mixture be for a amateur radio tower base block?

2.  What radio's should I buy when starting in amateur radio?

3.  What must I do when I hear an Ukrainian Amateur Radio Station calling for help on the amateur radio bands?

The above questions lead to some interesting comments and even multi-media inputs.   Unfortunately I cannot provide full detail about the comments.  I would suggest you join the Net in future to find out more about the weekly Questions and Answers being discussed.  I will however publish the multi media input that was supplied by Pieter ZL1PDT.  Many thanks to Pieter and all those who contributed in this regard.

 "Residential and Commercial Communication Towers Manufacturing Company USA - American Tower Company: Amerite"

Amerite Towers (

Swop Shop:

  1. Johan ZS1I is looking for 70cm Cavity Filters that are in a good working condition.  
  2. Janco ZS6LVJ is looking for TK805 and TK8180 VHF Kenwood Radios
  3. Thys  ZS1TBP has the following for disposal:  1  x Vertex VHF Radio and 1 x Kenwood TRC70 HF Radio
  4. Tjaart ZS3DR is looking for an HF Linear Amplifier in  good working condition to relay bulletins.

If you interested in buying or providing any of the above contact Johan ZS1I by clicking HERE and I will put you in touch with the radio amateur. 

Round Table or Rondomtalie:

Due to the large group and the discussions and talking, time ran out for the Round Table input.  This will stand over until next week's net.

There you have it.  A short summary of events that took place last night during the NSN - Net and as indicated before, you need to join the Net listen to all the input and talk.  Once again a wide variety of amateur radio activities, something for everybody.  Can you provide more activities?  Please join us.  Your presence will be most welcome.  We need you expertise!!

If there is any questions you can contact me via email by clicking HERE.

All that remains is the next date for  "The NSN Net" gathering which will take place on Thursday, 10 March 2022 @ 19h30 on the GRHub Network.  Please diarize the date and time as to ensure that you can join us for another interesting Net.  A big thank you to those that reported in last night..  Highly appreciated!!


Johan ZS1I
Mossel Bay

Mark ZS4OIL donate radio to be used on the ZS Link Hub Network in Mossel Bay!

Now here is a story of  real amateur radio spirit and no Mark ZS4OIL does not know that I am writing an article about his kindness.  In toda...