Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Down Memory Lane: Gizmo Amateur Radio Forum 2002 - 2008


The Gizmo Amateur Radio Forum was formed on the 1 September 2002 in the Southern Cape Region (Knysna, George, Mossel Bay) with the main objective " To promote the homebrew of amateur radio equipment as well as the construction of electronic test equipment amongst new- as well as interested radio amateurs".  The forum was dis-banded in 2008.  Four  Homebrew CD's were released containing several interesting amateur radio projects and information.


  • To promote the use of VHF/UHF/GHZ bands (all modes) amongst radio amateurs for the purpose of experimentation and long distance (DX) communications.
  • To promote radio experimentation and to provide information thereof to fellow radio amateurs and members.
  • To arrange meetings, lectures, demonstrations, competitions or other activities with regard to Amateur Radio or to be held to the benefit of radio amateurs.
  • Providing emergency communication facilities, through its members, to the Government of South Africa and/or Local Authority or any other organization, in times of emergency.
  • Recruiting of new members for the Forum, the S.A.R.L. and Amateur Radio.
  • Interacting with the community and organizations where and when practical.
  • Ensuring the observance by its members of the laws and regulations relating to radio communications.
  • To promote the art of constructing (home brewing) amateur radio equipment and test gear.


The following is a few projects that were constructed and experimented with by the Gizmo Amateur Radio Forum:

  • Simplex Repeater
  • 2m Beacon in the Southern Cape
  • 2m  145.775 Mhz Experimental Repeater construction, setup and use
  • ZS1I Soundcard Interface building
  • 2m Musical Transmissions (Now illegal)
  • 80m AM Music Transmissions
  • GIZMO BBS setup and usage
  • GIZMO Technical CD's compiled and distributed
  • Kids Day Technical Demonstrations and Constructing a simple electronic project
  • Several HF Experimental Beacons.  (Various frequencies including voice beacons)
  • Constructing of VHF/UHF Contest Antennas.  (Various which resulted in winning several contests)
  • Participating in the PEARS  VHF/UHF Contest and setting up a station at the Point to promote amateur radio.
  • Setting up an APRS Digipeater and Igate.
  • Various others to many to mention here.


The Gizmo Amateur Radio Forum is not a club. Membership is only by invitation via a Founder Member of the Gizmo Amateur Radio Forum.


Callsign: ZS1GZ

Postal Address: Gizmo Amateur Radio Forum, Box 11488, HEIDERAND, 6511

Email via: (not active anymore)

General Operating Frequency: 145.550 Mhz Simplex

Weekly Net: Monday to Friday evenings from 19h30 on-wards. Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 15h00 on-wards. 


Images:  Some of the forum members busy building the ZS1I Sound Card Interface.

How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

Image:  ZS1I Yaesu FT817 Radio Image:  ZS1I Homebrew Yaesu FT817 Soundcard Interface During the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest that took place in Jan...