Thursday, May 12, 2022

Early Reminder: The next NSN - Net #14 will take place on Sunday 15 May 2022 @ 15h30 on the ZS-Link Network



The "Net Sonder Naam" Net now meets every Sunday afternoon 10 minutes after the "Bo Karoo Amateur Radio Klub" bulletin.  The NSN-Net typically runs around hour and a half in length depending on how large the net is and how many topics there are for discussion.  This Net is not a Club Activity!!  It is constituted by interested radio amateurs in South Africa and even Worldwide and is open to all radio amateurs. 


The preferred languages will be English and Afrikaans.  You use the language of your preference. The net provides a forum for participants to discuss amateur radio topics, ask amateur radio related questions, and to receive advice, information, and guidance from the pool of knowledge and experience of the net participants. The net is open to all amateurs worldwide and we encourage your participation. We hope you have a little time on Thursday evenings to report in and say hello. 


This week will be an Open Net.  This means that we will not continue with the normal order of the net.  This week we will bring you a Podcast. Sometimes, amateur radio can play an important role in shaping the news around World Events.  For BBC correspondent and amateur radio operator, Laurie Margolis, G3UML, it was on amateur radio that Laurie discovered, reported and scooped the invasion by Argentina of the Falkland Islands starting the Falklands war in 1982.  Laurie and Eric 4Z1UG discuss this event and the rest of his ham radio journey in this QSO Today.  (Total time: 1hour 12 min) Come and listen to this very interesting Podcast.  I am not going to reveal any further information in this regard.   You will have to join the NSN- Net to listen to the Podcast.


The question:  What did you do in amateur radio this week? / Wat het jy die afgelope week in Amateur Radio gedoen? 

Tell us about your ventures in amateur radio this past week.


Every week I will post feedback on what happened on the NSN Net. The posting will be available on the GRHub Network Blog and Amateur Radio 101 Telegram Group. I will only provide a short overview. If you would like to know more then I suggest you join the weekly Net.


You can access the Net as follow:

  • Echolink - Connect to ZS1I-L, ZS1FC-L, ZS3KBY-R, ZS6WDL-R or ZS5PMB-R  Please note if the last 4 stations is not connected to ZS1I-L then you need to connect to ZS1I-L for the NSN Net.
  • AllStar - Connect to node 49355 ZS1I or 28052 ZS5PMB-R
  • VHF - 145.550 Mhz Simplex in the Mossel Bay area.  Remember the 88.5 khz CTCSS tone
  • Any other Echolink, AllStar repeater or link station that is connected to either ZS1I-L.
  • Use of your cellphone by installing Echolink on your phone
  • By means of a Network Radio example Enrico TM8 etc.

    Please feel free to join us this Sunday afternoon,  15 May 2022 at around 15h30 SAST.  We are all looking forward to your company and inputs in this regard.  Please also tell your amateur radio friends about the Net. Get rid of that daily stress and enjoy a good hour or two in the company of amateur radio friends.

    Hope to hear you on the NSN Net!!


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