The eleven nations included in the Antarctic portion of the 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year created several permanent research stations, including the first permanent station at the South Pole. The effort to create a permanent scientific presence at, literally, the end of the earth required enormous effort of scientists and military personnel. Aided, uniquely, by a couple of teenagers from New Jersey.
Down memory lane - We shall remember them! (Part 1)
Throughout the years I had the privilege to meet and learn from many fellow radio amateurs. Some I have never met in person but spend many ...
Image: The new 145.750 Mhz Tower and Repeater (Click on image for larger view.) It is done and dusted it really? In Part 1 a...
Bo: Rulhof van der Merwe ZS4RM in sy radio kamer Rulhof van der Merwe ZS4RM het weereens gewys dat hy nie gras onder sy voete laat groei w...
(Note: This posting can be translated by using the Translate Function Button on this Blog) In Desember 2023 is die volgende berig gepublisee...