Monday, January 23, 2023

Feedback: "Lippeklap" Net 22 January 2023 15h30 SAST

Images:  Power Delay Controller  (Click on image for larger view.)

As loadshedding continues, amateur radio also bear the brunt.  Many radio amateurs are not geared to operate their stations during loadshedding periods.  Well it is not going to get better soon.  Thankfully the GRHub Net and other links/repeaters operate as usual.  The Internet connection for the GRHub Network has been stable and thus far the node and radio has operated above expectations.  The only real problem comes in when loadshedding moves to Stage 6.  The batteries does not charge fully between the shedding stages.  During such events the RF Link on 145.550 Mhz might now and again be switched off to give the batteries some breathing space to charge.  This seems to have worked very well.  Thus far our bulletin broadcasts and nets were not affected.  Well we once again had a great net gathering this past Sunday.  A big thank you to all those that participated in the "Lippeklap" Net. You make the Net!!

Yesterday's net was an "Open Net".  This means that anything amateur radio, technology, inventions etc. can be discussed or questions being asked.

The following "subjects" were discussed:

  • Participation in the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest this past weekend.
  • Promotion of the RAE Coarse to be presented by Jannie ZS1JKF on behalf of the Boland Amateur Radio Club.
  • Internet Router failure due to loadshedding.
  • Assisting fellow radio amateurs with backup loadshedding power units.
  • Using FT8 and accessing band conditions
  • Eden Radio Club  2023 events
  • Digital Repeaters in the Garden Route Area
  • DIY Electricity Input Time Delay Controller (Prevent over- and under voltage to protect householde electrical equipment) 
  • DIY 4 Element VHF Quad Antenna
  • Future extensions for the GRHub Network
  • Icom Radio Dry Joints
  • 1958 ARRL Handbook
  • Other Amateur Radio Books
  • Swop Shops
  • Loadshedding is here to stay!
  • The way forward for amateur radio during Loadshedding
  • "Murphy" in the Shack
  • Working Amateur Radio Satellites
  • Starlink Satellite Internet
  • Wireless Internet Problems due to Loadshedding
  • Importance of belonging to the SARL and Radio Club/s
  • Thanks and Appreciation

 As promised HERE is the download link iro ARRL Handbooks.

I am sure that there are many radio amateurs that will find this link useful and interesting. The ARRL Handbook is a great reference book for amateur radio and every shack must have a place on the shelf for this book.

The next "Lippeklap"  Net will take place on Sunday, 29 January 2023 at 15h30 SAST. Connect to ZS1I-L via Echolink or 49355 AllStar Node or any of the other nodes connected to the GRHub Network. 

Hope to hear you on the Lippeklap Net. 

Come join in on the fun!!


Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...