Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Loadshedding killed my Home Network Router? How to prevent this from happening to other equipment in future!

I was wondering when some of my electronic and home appliances will let out the magic smoke due to loadshedding etc.  Just the other day I posted the following images and audio clip on the Amateur Radio 101 Telegram Group. 

Note:  If the audio clips stop playing just refresh your browser and click on start.  Alternative download the audio files when the download window appears.


Well the magic smoke was let out and the router died just after the power returned after a period of loadshedding in Mossel Bay.  My XYL is the star witness who watched the smoke event.  The smell of the smoke is another story on which I cannot elaborate here.


My son and I are currently busy building a time delay switch which will in future hopefully prevent smoke coming out of electronic equipment after loadshedding.  Well "Murphy" decided that he will intervene before we could finish the time delay switch project.  Be as it may we are currently busy with the project and I will post the end result on the GRHub Network Blog.

Image:  Sneak preview of the test project under construction.  After testing we decided to re-build all the equipment in a larger box.  I did not like the look and build.  Will purchase a new box before final installation.  Test conducted were successful!  More on this in a future posting.

Finally:  Getting a time delay switch installed in or near your home's DB Board is not I bad idea unless you have a good insurance company or enough money to by new electronic or household items.  I my case I was just to late to prevent damage from occurring.  But there is a saying "Once bitten twice shy!"  Hopefully this would also get rid of "Murphy" in my house!!!

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...