Sunday, March 12, 2023

"Lippeklap" Net Potgooi (Podcast) vir Sondag 12 Maart 2023 15h30:

Vanmiddag om 15h30 is dit weer tyd vir Lippeklap Net. Nee ons gaan nie vandag ‘n onderwerp in Amateur Radio bespreek nie, maar ons gaan luister na ‘n amateur radio potgooi. (podcast) Na die potgooi sal daar ‘n algemene lippeklap wees oor enige amateur radio verwante bedrywighede.

Onderwerp van die Potgooi:

“What is the Best HF Radio in production at the beginning of 2023? All of these radios in this list are still currently being offered by the manufacturer and are tried and true. Today I take you through the top 7 picks of HF Ham Radios for 2023 that can be used for a Base Station or Mobile HF operation.”

Hoe skakel ek in by die Net?
• Echolink - Konnekteer aan ZS1I-L, ZS1FC-L, ZS6WDL-R of ZS5PMB-R Neem kennis as die laaste drie stasies nie gekonnekteer is aan ZS1I-L nie, konnekteer dan via  Echolink aan ZS1I-L om by die net aan te sluit.
• AllStar - Konnekteer aan node 49355 ZS1I of 28052 ZS5PMB-R
• VHF - 145.550 Mhz Simplex in die Mosselbaai area. Onthou die 88.5 khz CTCSS toon.
• Enige ander Echolink, AllStar  herhaler of link stasie wat aan ZS1I-L gekoppel is.
• Gebruik sommer Echolink wat op jou selfoon geinstalleer is.

Sluit gerus by die Lippeklap Net aan vanmiddag om 15h30 SAST.

Down memory lane - We shall remember them! (Part 1)

Throughout the years I had the privilege to meet and learn from many fellow radio amateurs.  Some I have never met in person but spend many ...