Thursday, July 6, 2023

ZS1I Simple Small Projects: 3D Printed Voltmeter Box/Case

I needed a simple voltmeter box/case for the above voltmeter with a range of 4.5-30V DC for my DIY Solar Generator Project that I am busy constructing.

Having a 3D Printer in the shack resulted in the following case being printed after downloading the  STL Files from Thingiverse.

Many thanks to Flip_Schaumal for making his project files available.

The end result is visible in the images below.  I now have a good looking case for the voltmeter mentioned supra.

Images:  (Click on images for larger view.)

Our own Story Teller - Richard Nicholls ZS5RMN grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Image: Richard's Mother next to her beloved vintage Alfa Romeo GT. (1960'S ?)  (Click on image for larger view.) It is with great sa...