Saturday, November 11, 2023

29 October 2023 - HOTA activation: "Die Waenhuis built in 1811" , George

The above site was recently activated by Corne ZS1COR.  Several other radio amateurs were also present in support of the days activities.  The images underneath reflect the history and activation of the site which was registered on H.O.T.A.

History of "Die Waenhuis" built in 1811 :

This Romantic old home was built in the first half of the nineteenth century, right in the founding years of George (1811) when the town was, according to C. Sayers (Looking back on George) “a straggling town, more like a thickly populated farm with little more than 700 residents in total and four named streets on the charts, York, Caledon, Courtney and Meade. This house with its huge plot right down to the river was probably hovering on the forest edge. It originally had a thatched roof and a rounded (leg of mutton) gable which unfortunately was probably lost in a fire. However the original yellow wood floors and ceilings and the wide stable front door and sash windows still tell the story of almost 170+ years of coming and going. In those days Sayer tells us the buck wagon was at the height of popularity in George, bringing products from the farms on market day, the ox wagon was the means of transport across the mountain for the precious products of timber from George’s forests and the main trades of town revolved around wood cutting, transport driving and furniture making, therefore the name DieWaenhuis or Coach House fits the picture perfectly. We see our calling here to upkeep this old legacy of George and share it with others.

More information visit the website of the “Die Waenhuis” by clicking HERE

Images:  (Click on images for larger view.)


Corne would like to thank all those who contacted the station and also who assisted him during the activation. 


What is HOTA?

H.O.T.A (Heritage on the air) is an amateur radio group that strives to motivate radio amateurs to learn more about history, and to keep history alive by activating a multitude of historical sites by using SSB, AM, FM, CW and even with Heliographs. Radio amateurs have great fun going out in the field and visiting places and areas where once history was made. Even if you do not like history there is places that were visited that might be of interest to you. You can even combine your other hobbies with H.O.T.A. Now that you have a faint idea of H.O.T.A it is time to learn more about H.O.T.A and the fun radio amateurs have and can have in activating historical sites. If you want to learn more about H.O.T.A you can visit the Heritage on the Air website by clicking HERE.


Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

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