Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Update 7: ZS1I DMR Bridge now permanently linked to the GRHub Network, Mossel Bay

In a previous posting HERE I indicated that Tuesday's will be DMR Radio Activity Day on the GRHub Network, Mossel Bay.  This is indeed still the case.  I would however like to encourage radio amateurs to join the weekly ZA DMR Net.  The ZS1I DMR Bridge is linked to the South Africa DMR Talk Group 655 for the weekly ZA DMR Net. This is a vibrant and friendly Net.  You can also learn more about DMR by joining this Net. Echolink users can connect to ZS1I-L, AllStar users to 49355 and DMR users can now use TG 655.  Analog stations are welcome to join the Net via the ZS1I GRHub network which is now connected to the ZS1I DMR Bridge.

A further plus is that I decided to permanently link the ZS1I GRHUB Network (Node 49355) to the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network. (Node 467650)  Now I hear moans and groans about joining Analog to Digital and all the problems it will cause to the ZS - Link Network.  Rest assure I will not intrude on any DMR Repeater or Network setup.  I have created my own private Talk Group (65511) on which all traffic will be relayed from Echolink / AllStar / DMR etc.  Now you might ask but what is the objective here.  Let me explain:

1.  I have not heard a single amateur radio news bulletin being transmitted on DMR.  Maybe there is such a service but I have no knowledge of it.  All bulletins currently transmitted on the GRHub Network (Analog) will now also be transmitted via the DMR Bridge Network (Digital) on DMR @ Talk Group 65511.  More information on the bulletins being transmitted is available   HERE.

2.  We need to create activity to keep our bands busy and occupied.  There is an old saying "Use it or loose it!"  Hopefully by relaying the bulletins this will be a service to radio amateurs who would like to use their DMR systems more frequently.  This way we keep our bands busy.

3.  By adding this DMR Bridge to the GRHub Network I am on track to extend the GRHub Network even further by interlinking of different systems and services for the benefit and enjoyment of my fellow radio amateurs. 

4.  DMR functionality  will now also be available on the ZS1I AREDN Network via the ZS1I GRHUB Network using either Echolink / AllStar or DMR.  We now have  a fully autonomous "back-up" Internet and Amateur Radio Communications System on the ZS1I 5.8 Ghz AREDN Mesh Network via the GRHub Network in Mossel Bay.  The system could even be opened to the public on 2.4 Ghz during future disasters if needed.  This would be a great service that the public, first responders and radio amateurs can use for various reasons and purposes.  

5.  In addition to all the systems currently in use I will later add a DMR Repeater/Hotspot whereby local users in the Mossel Bay area can use their DMR Radios to gain access to the GRHub-, AREDN- or DMR  Network.  More on this in a future posting.

6.  This Bridge is not only for radio amateurs in the Garden Route Area.  It is now available on Echolink/AllStar/DMR throughout the world for radio amateurs to use.  You do not need a new digital radio to use the ZS1I DMR Bridge or to speak on DMR.   Your "old" analog radio will be more than sufficient to make a contact via DMR,

In the event that any of our current linked nodes/repeaters/links etc custodians experience any problems with the DMR Bridge Network on the GRHub Network, please get in touch with me so that we can resolve any issues.  From my side I will do everything to prevent any hick-ups in this regard.  I am constantly monitoring the GRHub Network, AREDN Mesh Network and the DMR Bridge Network throughout the day and night either by analog/digital radio, cellphone, computer, hotspot etc.

I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the ZS-LINK and GRHub + DMR Network if they so wish. The DMR Bridge Network is not a private, club only or special allocated network venture.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Start or join a QSO on DMR,  make new friends and enjoy the networks. 

Images:  Click on images for larger view.


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